
Embedded Projects

  • dirtybug

    dirtybug - 2014-06-26

    Hello I would like to work on an embedded Projects.
    I have my own AVR dragon Jtag and segger.
    I am familiar with STM32 and AVR microcontrollers and been codding on them for 3 years.
    I have also experience with PHP\mysql\javascript Java C\c++ and Python.
    I will happily buy my own hardware to develop on (under 100 dollars).


    Last edit: dirtybug 2014-06-26
  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    EQ Track is a project providing controllers for telescope mounts.

    There are currently two of them.

    • The first one uses a Microchip PIC16F876 to control the motors of an equatorial mount. It is coded in assembly language.
    • The second uses an AVR AT90USB128 on an AT90USBKEY to control a mount with any orientation. It can automatically point and track any celestial coordinate. It is coded in Ada, C and assembly.

    Some improvement may be needed, such as automatic tracking of artificial satellites.

    I have also purchased a Beagle Bone Black, to prepare the third generation, with a touch screen. But this is in a very very preliminary state.



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