
Logo request for GnuCOBOL

  • Brian Tiffin

    Brian Tiffin - 2017-08-09

    Can't help but be impressed by the work that gets posted to this Discussion group.

    The GnuCOBOL project, could use that level of professional flair.

    We currently use an image of a work horse, Sire the Old English Black, but it would be nice to get that integrated with the name and with a little touch of modern style as befits a logo. And a banner would be a sweet touch for across the top of some documents. Everything is credited.

    The team has some skill with coding, but the art side is a little lacking. And this is COBOL, deserving of a level of professionalism given its domain of strength. And a GNU project, and i would up the entire GNU space to get a few projects with nice point of pride symbolic logos.

    Thanks in advance to anyone that takes up the cause. If not, well, this seems like one of the best places to take a shot.

    Have good, make well,

  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2017-08-10

    Note: I can provide a cleaned up version of the shire horse (as svg) along with exports to png and the "softened" version that is used on the project page.

    ... but we're up to a different approach than the Shire Horse, too (maybe a simple logo and additional the shire as "mascot" - or completely dropping it).


    Last edit: Simon Sobisch 2017-08-10
  • Nik

    Nik - 2018-01-16

    Hi Brian and Simon,

    Apologies your request didn't get the traction you were hoping last August, I sometimes have to wait long periods for a lull in my work so I have enough free time for pro-bono jobs. If you're still interested in having logo proposals made for GnuCOBOL, I'd like to give it a stab.

    Were you after a more modern vector-looking take on the SIRE horse? integrated alongside the project name maybe? I can make a new horse outline entirely after I get an initial impression of what "style" of aesthetic you like and then we can combine it with a suitably matching typeface.

    Let me know if that sounds good to you and I'll explain further. I'm quite keen to pitch in something for the Gnu projects as well, so please do let me know if other projects are looking for similar refreshes.



    Last edit: Nik 2018-01-16
  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2018-01-16

    Hi Nik,

    yes, we're still interested and actually are quite open for suggestions (which may be the most problematic part). The Shire horse was initially a "temporary" variant but matches quite well because of its attributes strong, reliable (and in my personal view beautiful) and of coursework, not play (while it is likely possible to have fun with a shire horse, too).
    And at least from it seems like a horse is not used for one of the main free software projects (I didn't checked)

    In the meantime I've took the initial version and removed the non-related parts, converted it to black'n'white, cleaned and vectorized it (mostly done with Inkscape).
    The result can be found as svg at (warning, 3.3 MB).
    From there I've exported a PNG and softened it, which can be found at and is the version used for the SF project page.

    As you see, I'm a coder, not an artist but this may be something that can serve as a start.
    Obviously it is not enough for a "brand" and likely too complex for printing.

    You may have an idea for detailed questions which are easier to answer for me (Brian is currently not online but likely joins the discussion later).

    Just to make sure: What license do you think would a new logo/brand have? What format will the "resulting" source formats be?

    Concerning your question: Let us see how this evolves but if you like to I'll post to the GNU maintainer list about your offer when I have some more ideas about the whole process.

  • Nik

    Nik - 2018-07-25

    Hi Brian and Simon,
    I have to apologise so much time passes beween my opportunities to contribute here. I've given your logo a shot - it's a toughy; most aspirational horse logos have them running (Mustang) or prancing (Ferrari). Trying to make a workhorse logo can easily look burdensome or cruel (carrying a heavy load or pulling a cart) so I've avoided that after some early failed sketches. Instead I've focused on implementing some sort of compatibility between the letters and the horse without really stretching the relationship.

    I made a few text-only propsals, which I think still stretch the relationship somewhat as the horse is identifiable, but the text is illegible. The symbol I've custom created for you instead simply shows a horse whose next step creates a "C" to reference the name Cobol. I've subtly styled the horse to ensure it still carries the muscular heft of the shirehorse and the signature flared hooves.

    Let me know if you'd like to proceed on any of these options.

  • Nik

    Nik - 2018-07-25

    And here is the aforementioned symbol logo with the horse

  • Brian Tiffin

    Brian Tiffin - 2018-07-28

    These are awesome, Nik.

    One thing, we want to get the spelling right. GnuCOBOL.

    Next up, I like that heavy horse, Nik, but first critique I heard when I was showing them off, "not heavy enough", a work horse is all four on the ground, pulling. No thin legs, etc.

    So looking forward to having a sillouette image. Drooling now Nik. :-)

    Awesome, and this is great.

    Oh, and that lower right image of the four, nice!

    Have good, make well,


    Last edit: Brian Tiffin 2018-07-29
  • Nik

    Nik - 2018-08-02

    Hi Brian,

    Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you're generally happy with the direction so far.
    The first thing I'll do is remedy the incorect casing and spacing - sorry about that. I can also make the legs a little thicker and make the horse look more heavy set. Can I just clarify one thing?

    When you say "all four on the ground, pulling" are you metaphorically suggesting the horse needs to impart the "working-horse" qualities of no-nonsense (no prancing) work ethic? or are you more literally suggesting that you'd like the front leg on the floor with the other legs?

    I'd be keen on keeping the front leg braced to the take the next step and in so doing having a "C" of COBOL be part of the symbol. Without any reference to the name, or the occupation (which, granted, is hard with programming languages which is why animal mascots are more common in technology) I'm worried that the horse symbol loses all grounding with the project itself (and therefore could very easily be reappropriated for other purposes).

    It's your call of course, I'll ditch the "C-leg" if it's getting in the way, but let me know what you think about the above =)


    Last edit: Nik 2018-08-02
    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2018-08-02

      Brian meant the first leg on the ground together with the other ones :-)

      While your points about the missing connection are very valid - Can you please try this, together with the other points you made (not as the final version but as something available for comparision), providing "new version 1"?

      Actually Brian bragged about your work on a GNU list already and there was a similar remark about the missing connection and a suggestion which I'd expand and ask for a second/third draft applying the following changes to the current version:

      "new version 2" with C-leg:

      • make the first leg a C again but exagerated long
      • after the C below the gnu picture add "OBOL", leading two a combined "gnu"cobol

      "new version 3" C-leg and morph to a gnu:

      • pull the tail downward, make it a little bit longer
      • swap thickness of the tail (starting thin, getting thicker)
      • legs with same thickness as the current version maybe a little bit thinner
      • heels more thin
      • head "downwards" with a little beard and small horns

      Can you please provide these versions for a possible comparision?

      Thank you very much,


      Last edit: Simon Sobisch 2018-08-02
    • Brian Tiffin

      Brian Tiffin - 2018-08-02

      All great ideas, Nik. And I guess these images are deeper than just art, so I'll always defer to the design expert. I don't have the vonacular to describe what I'd like exactly, but I'll know it when I see it. :-) So I take back the part about making it all four legs on the ground. I think the original critique was just a sense of that workhorse was a little too prancy, tail down maybe?

      And just to add to what Simon mentioned. Richard Stallman's first comment after I was raving on these new possibilities, and mentioning the project mascot is a workhorse, a GNU workhorse was

      Maybe a workgnu instead of a workhorse?

      So I seem to have started a thing. I'd like the GnuCOBOL mascot to be the horse. But you may make some new fans if you can pull off a workgnu. Secondary to the task at hand in my opinion. Well task for you perhaps, Nik, awesome gift from this point of view.

      Have good, make well,

  • Rod Gobby

    Rod Gobby - 2018-08-03

    I prefer the stylized version, except for the hooky leg. It looks as though the unfortunate horse is crippled and should be put out of its misery. This is entirely the wrong image for COBOL, given that most of the programming world thinks this should be COBOL's fate.

    Both forelegs should be on the ground, as is the case with the "Shire" horse. A much more sober and respectable image for COBOL, but with an air of modernity about it.


  • Simon Josephson

    Simon Josephson - 2018-08-23

    is this project currently open? This may not be what you looking for... though it might add to the mix )

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2018-08-23

      Yes, this is open, we just want for Nik's next draft, we may go with Wildebeest.
      Thank you anyway! Interesting colors and nice style.

    • Brian Tiffin

      Brian Tiffin - 2018-09-08

      That, is an awesome image.

      So many levels of concise. Thanks, Simon. A little bit mesmorizing perhaps, seeing the G and the works, and the power and the, ..., nice.


      Are you putting that up for casual use, Simon? (With attribution) By any chance? If it doesn't make official pages, I can envision a few places to put that image to use. There is a COBOL Utilities Project here on the forge. Long term, delayed, plans are for a free software COBOL source archive, your clysedale might be able able to share some space with Agent Hopper, get people in the mood to push code.

      Have good, make well,

      • Simon Sobisch

        Simon Sobisch - 2018-09-08

        I'm still waiting for Nik's three new versions to come.
        In the end I plan to use the final result "all over the place" :-)

  • Bruno paranhos

    Bruno paranhos - 2018-10-26

    Here go one for yall COBOL FUSION I CALL IT....... LET ME KNOW. THANKS

  • Bruno paranhos

    Bruno paranhos - 2018-10-26

    It has all the words making the Pic the G. N. U. And COBOL the horse man conjoined faces


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