
Question about example system Xplus3

Allen Chen
  • Allen Chen

    Allen Chen - 2014-05-28


    I ported forte onto QNX and feel very glad. As a newbie, the good simple
    example Xplus3 is used to test for me. And MICROCONTROLLER is the QNX
    device, the PC is 4DIAC-IDE host.

    Because the example is configured with localhost environment. I change
    the MGR_ID of MICROCONTROLLER to be "" and do the
    test as following:

    1. change MGR_ID and save.
    2. switch to deployment perspective.
    3. select Xplus3 Resource, fill Host of FORTE to be
    4. click Launch to start FBRT.
    5. click download.
    6. modify the value in the first field to be 3 and type Enter, the next
      field will be changed to be 6.

    Although the answer is correct, I have a question.

    I check the captured datagram using Wireshark. It turns to to have two
    datagrams sent from to One is the
    input value, i.e. 3, and the other is output value, i.e. 6. I have
    thought that firstly the input value should be sent from
    to, and the output value should be sent from to But I did not find these datagrams. Why?

    Allen Chen

  • Martin Melik-Merkumians

    I can't take a look on the Xplus3 example right now, but based on the IP address you reported I am quite positive that the example uses Publish/Subscribe FBs and the IP address is the used multicast address for the Publish/Subscribe pair.

    You can check this by opening tha application and check the PARAMS data input of the FBS


  • Zoitl Alois

    Zoitl Alois - 2014-05-28


    How did you start the FORTE on your QNX device? A thing that is a little misleading in the documentation (we plan to improve it) is that you can not use the deployment perspective to remotely start FORTE on a remote device.

    So in oder that you can download an application part from the 4DIAC-IDE to a remote device you need to set the MGR_ID in the system configuration as you did it.

    Then you need to ensure that FORTE is running on your device. This is device specific. Some devices will start FORTE on boot for others you have to manually start it (e.g. connect with a remote shell or telnet). Then you can go to the deployment perspective, id needed launch an FBRT for the GUI and then deploy the system.

    From the numbers you are reporting it seams that your FORTE is running on your PC.

    I hope this helps,