From: Louis S. <lou...@gm...> - 2011-03-12 09:21:14
2011-03-12 09:07 GMT, BKKMLL <the...@gm...>: > I was simply wondering, does fontforge have a way, when saving a ttf file to > add an option on like this, a read only ttf file. I have not read earlier replies to this email thread, because it seems to have degenerated into a mini flame war, but you may have some luck with: (menu) Element / Font Info (category) OS/2 (tab) Misc. (option) Embeddable (values, either-or) Never Embed/No Editing || Printable Document The semantics of this option are to allow extraction of the font only for certain uses. In any case, the value for the option should NOT be set to Installable Font. I believe Windows barfs if you try to drag a font into its Fonts folder for local installation that has an embed restriction, but I'm not entirely sure. Hope that helps, - Louis |