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  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-14

    Folder Lock 8.5.2 is soon to be realeased. In this version, we have included some major changes to the interface and under the hood. These changes will make this series (8.5.2.x) of Folder Lock the quickest, best looking, version yet and it's only going to get better. If you have any recommendations on what you think should be included, do not hesitate to contact the developer at
    After all, we are designing the software for you, and so you should have a say in what you think we should add.
    When this version is released, we will also be relasing an online based installer that will download the latest version of Folder Lock and install it on your computer. Because this installer will be new to the site, your web browser may block the download saying the 'the file is not commonly downloaded'. Don't worry, Folder Lock and all its program files are 100% virus free.

    We are hoping to release this installer, and Folder Lock in the coming days so check back soon.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-15

    Folder Lock is now available. Read our previous post to see whats new, or download the installer now. Becuase the installer is a new upload, and the file has not been downloaded as many times as the previous Folder Lock, your web browser may warn or block the download. Don't worry, Folder Lock is 100% virus free.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-18

    Folder Lock has now been released. This version includes a redesigned interface that makes this program look even better. We have also added the ability to hide Folder Lock in the background. This will make it so that you can get to Folder Lock even quicker (skipping the Splash Screen). Download today and secure your content from prying eyes.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-20

    Folder Lock is now available. This version includes minor UI adjustments that make Folder Lock look the best it ever has. We've also added a lock button that allows you to lock the program youself, instead of fully exiting out or leaving it unlocked for anyone to see. Ther is now a feedback button that allows you to provide feedback on Folder Lock. We highly encourage you to use this as it will help us improve this program, because we want to make you happy. Download the latest version now!


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