
I can't get it to work

  • Roel Dormits

    Roel Dormits - 2002-06-28


    I can't get the Foa app to work, i don't even see the graphical UI.
    I tried to run the foa.bat (I'm on a windows system, with java 1.4 on it), and set the classpath to what i think are the jaxp jars (1.2 of jaxp).
    The only thing what happens is a blinking cursor in my dosbox and a java instance taking a lot of my processor time. So what am I doing wrong?
    Maybe I haven't given enough info about my situation for people to see whats wrong, in that case, please don't hesitate to ask me.

    With regards,

    Roel Dormits

    • Roel Dormits

      Roel Dormits - 2002-06-28

      I managed to get it running. Had to use java 1.3.1 instead of 1.4.

      With regards,

      Roel Dormits

      • Bertil Gralvik

        Bertil Gralvik - 2003-02-05

        Well, I'm sure you shouldn't have to dowgrade your JRE. I use the FOA_0_4_0 distribution on Windows XP running on JRE 1.4. I'd guess you have a problem with the CLASSPATH settings.
        The classpath, as you may know, may be set two ways: Either (1) By setting the environment variable CLASSPATH to whatever paths the JRE will use to look for classes meeded to run the application, or (2) by using the -cp <paths> on the command line when launching the application.
        From JSDK 1.2 on the JRE finds the standard library classes automatically, and the classpath environment variable is only used for pointing out classes that are not in the standard library.
        In other words, there is normally no use for this variable.
        Furthermore, if you want to add libraries packed in JAR archive, you just add them to the JRE/lib/ext directory and the JRE will find them there.

        Your problem could be that some installed Java application or development program has set the CLASSPATH environment variable in such a way that earlier versions of som library is found before the ones used by FOA -*or* you are using a BAT-file pointing to invalid libraries.

        For me it worked right out of the box ( Lucky me :) using foa.bat which contains the following - excluding the lines
        java -cp %CLASSPATH%;bins/foa.jar foa.apps.Foa
        It extends the CLASSPATH environment variable with a pointer to bins/foa.jar which of course points to the FOA library.
        In my case the CLASSPATH is empty, so I could easily have used only -cp bins/foa.jar

        In the distribution I also have another batch file named foaNT.bat and this one contains a much longer classpath with absolute paths:
        set CLASSPATH=c:\Jaxp-1.1\jaxp.jar;c:\Jaxp-1.1\crimson.jar;c:\Jaxp-1.1\xalan.jar;bins/foa.jar
        This wouldn't work as I don't have any of the libraries installed on the C partition.

        Just a few comments - hopefully you or some othe fellow FOA-FOPper can use them!
        B Wildered!

    • Bertil Gralvik

      Bertil Gralvik - 2003-02-05

      Oh - back again.
      Sorry - I didn't read you too well. You say "..set the classpath to what i think are the jaxp jars (1.2 of jaxp)."
      According to install.html,  if you run on JRE 1.4 you shouldn't worry about JAXP - I cite:
      "Download the Jaxp package from SUN and install it. (Not needed if you use JDK 1.4 or greater)"

      This may be different for your version of Windows which you didn't give away :)
      /Petit again

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-08-31

      Hi roel_dormits,
      I also couldn't get it to work. I had a real dumb mistake in my classpath. My CATALINA_HOME is at C:\PROGRAMME\APACHE GROUP\TOMCAT 4.1 You see it? I forgot the "" because of the blanks in the path. That was all;-)
      Greetings, Gerald


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