
FMSync and The Missing Sync 4

  • Alex Oldfmsyncer

    I looked forward to FM Mobile 7 but although improved it still can't touch what FMSync and JFile do for me.

    Now Mark/Spaces The Missing Sync 4 is finally available but unfortuantely it does not work with FMSync.

    The good news is that on the Missing Sync 4 listserv an old acquaintance of Rob's claims that only 1 line of code needs to be removed and FMSync recompiled to work correctly.

    "someone just has to comment out the line that checks for heap or stack size."

    He said he already emailed Rob. -- I can hardly wait!!

    (If I knew how to compile code I would have tried it already myself)

    Rob, I hope it is as simple as he says and also that you have time to update FMSync. It is such a GREAT solution! Your venerable conduuit is greatly appreciated.

    Alex the old FMsyncer

    • Stefan Garr

      Stefan Garr - 2004-08-01

      That would be great news...  Actually, even though I have Filemaker 7, I have gone back to using Filemaker 6 because of compatibility.  That works fine!

      Stefan Garr

    • Greg

      Greg - 2004-08-29

      I've heard (someone reviewing Missing Link who's name I've forgotten) said that Missing Link requires a USB Palm.

    • Robert Richardson

      Can someone tell me which program was used to compile the code for FMSync?  I am not a programmer but if it takes only one line to make FMSync work, maybe one of us should toy around with it?  I'd love to use some of the features in FMPro 7 but can't see myself moving there without FMSync...


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