Activity for The FMI++ Library

  • Edmund Widl committed [834185]

    adapt to SWIG version 3 (define Python package)

  • Edmund Widl committed [5ce199]

    remove unused includes (iostream)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [669f51]

    adapted SWIG tests on Windows for Python >= 3.8 (new approach for DLL loading)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [73cfe9]

    added CMake target for deploying Java wrapper to remote repository

  • Widl Edmund committed [699659]

    use more precise maven classifier (with/without, sundials, OS, 32/64-bit)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [e2879b]

    fixed Sundials support for Swig wrappers

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [025304]

    added custom command to install shared libraries to local Maven repository; moved all custom commands related to Maven to main CMakeLists.txt

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [0d37db]

    changed Java package to '' and ''; changed Java JAR file names to 'fmippim.jar' and 'fmippex.jar'; updated tests accordingly; changed to new SWIG version (swig_add_library,CMP0078,CMP0086); added Maven install target;

  • TVJensen TVJensen created ticket #21

    Deprecation causes build failure with latest version of SUNDIALS

  • Max Mustermann Max Mustermann created ticket #20

    entry error in example

  • Timo Giese Timo Giese created ticket #19

    Missing Example for FMUCo-simulationV01 / V02

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [3e7ff5]

    fix warning for previous commit (comparison of 'int' and 'unsigned int'); fixed problems of previous commit for compiling with MinGW (added missing compiler flags);

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [3b0e2d]

    added functions retrieving value refs and names of state vector and derivatives; added function to enter event mode for FMU ME v2.0;

  • Edmund Widl committed [7e0218]

    define default values in IncrementalFMU's sync function inputs

  • Timo van Opstal Timo van Opstal posted a comment on ticket #18

    Thank you for your speedy reply, I didn't realize that I had duplicated another issue. Timo van Opstal Design Engineer Sioux LIME 040-7516129 Esp 405, 5633AJ Eindhoven On 17 Jan 2019, at 10:12, Edmund Widl wrote: Dear Timo, Thank you for pointing this out. Your observation is basically a reflection of the open tickets for the FMI++ library. These tickets are mostly related to edge cases, which in most applications do not pose a problem. However, to be able to...

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl posted a comment on ticket #18

    Dear Timo, Thank you for pointing this out. Your observation is basically a reflection of the open tickets for the FMI++ library. These tickets are mostly related to edge cases, which in most applications do not pose a problem. However, to be able to solve them we included dedicated tests. I hope that I will have the time to fix the related tickets soon ... Nevertheless, as said above, in most applications these bugs do not really pose a problem. Therefore, for the time being I suggest to simply...

  • Timo van Opstal Timo van Opstal created ticket #18

    Broken test

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [c09aa5]

    bug fix: proper conversion of flag 'loggingOn' when using function 'setDebugFlag' of front-end

  • Widl Edmund committed [5cc23c]

    bug fix of previous commit: use 'varname' instead of '#varname' in macros

  • Widl Edmund committed [5afccc]

    add macros for defining backend variables with specific name (instead of using C++ variable name)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [dede92]

    added flag to turn on/off static linking for boost libraries

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [f55afa]

    removed MATLAB scripts (moved to separate repository)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [551114]

    do not compile function 'giveZero()' into extra shared library on Linux'

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [76a76b]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [23da7e]

    removed redundancies in CMake config files

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [513142]

    increase tolerance for test slightly to work with MSVC 64-bit

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [acd485]

    look for external packages (Java, Python, etc.) used by SWIG in main CMake script; do not look for Java when running tests but not building Java bindings;

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [bdd840]

    in case the persmissions of the backend application can not be changed just give a warning, but do not exit

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [bfb400]

    Use 'cygwin32' / 'cygwin64' as binary directory name when compiling under Cygwin

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [75182d]

    add function loggingOn() to BackEndApplicationBase; lots of cosmetic changes;

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [9abfa9]

    fixed indentation

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [dd0709]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [ff9c42]

    added debug message in case parsing of additional arguments fails; setter functions: check if variable is scalar parameter according to FMI 1.0;

  • Tue Vissing Jensen committed [ce6c92]

    Only run python and java tests if we build the swig wrappers for them

  • Martin Quinson Martin Quinson posted a comment on ticket #1

    Moving to github would be a great step to welcome external contributions. Github or gitlab or bitbucklet, they all make it very easy to fork a project, craft a set of patches and submit them to the original author. SourceForge makes the life more complicated for external contributors that just pass by, and don't want to become a regular contributor. That being said, it's not because you go to github/gitlab/bitbucklet that armies of contributors studendly appear, I know that. But at least, it reduces...

  • Andreas Nicolai Andreas Nicolai posted a comment on ticket #1

    Why? Where's the rationale for such a decision? Currently Edmund is doing almost 100% of the work, so why move to a platform that's tailored to large development communities? Just wondering... IMHO, work (especially such that is imposed on others) should always be well motivated :-)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [c0e5b4]

    removed Python scripts

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [d1bbff]

    removed superfluous code checking if interface is active

  • Edmund Widl committed [7c5ca8]

    moved configuration for BOOST linking (static/dynamic) to main CMake file

  • Edmund Widl committed [637405]

    added two new compilation targets (used by other projects to generate FMUs for Co-Simulation)

  • Martin Quinson Martin Quinson posted a comment on ticket #1

    Yes please! github, gitlab, bitbucklet, anything but not sourcefoge! Thanks

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [d867f6]

    changed timeout for tests from 10 seconds to 10 minutes

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [516c10]

    prevent test on Linux to fail because of SIGCHLD signals (which come from FMU implementation, have nothing to do with the tests at hand)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [fd7ad8]

    fixed test name in set_properties(...) for Linux Java tests

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [52d47c]

    add timeout of 60 seconds to tests

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [425a68]

    added internal flag for FMI version to backend/frontend; set causality of parameters in dependence on FMI version

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [18a160]

    start external applications in their own process group (LINUX); terminate all child processes of an application (LINUX: via process group, WINWOWS: via parent ID)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [a1552b]

    in case no entry point is provided, use path of executable as working directory

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [7e6af5]

    improved backend's functionality to write input/output variable names and parameter names to file (write to JSON file, do not stop execution with exit status indicating failure)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [b492fa]

    minor changes to fix compiler warnings (Linux GCC)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [d309ac]

    enable secific shared memory segment names; enable generation of shared memory segment names from parent PID;

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [b2cdfd]

    check status of FMU loading before checking status of FMU type

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel created ticket #17

    fmi_2_0::FMUModelExchange: Enter the event mode on setting discrete inputs

  • Edmund Widl committed [b81b84]

    fixed sending of debug messages

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [9914f6]

    added include directories needed by MINGW

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [6f4280]

    fixed bug: contructor was given wrong 4th argument

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [aa2a88]

    removed instances of std:: (namespace is used anyway)

  • Edmund Widl committed [f1f563]

    FMUCoSimulation_v2: use internal time for doStep; InterpolatingFixedStepSizeFMU: add iterateOnce(); FixedStepSizeFMU: cosmetic changes;

  • Edmund Widl committed [d82af5]

    improved handling of time resolution for communication points

  • Edmund Widl committed [18bfcb]

    updated handling of model description for FMI CS: new structure due to FMI 2.0 changes, retrieval of capability flags

  • Edmund Widl committed [c373a5]

    add tests

  • Edmund Widl committed [4465b9]

    added support for FMI CS 2.0 for utility classes

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [74fb1c]

    removed tool-specific parts of export package

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [39111a]

    FIX: Broken isnan(...)

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [fb8c8f]

    ADD: == and != for Integrator::Properties

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel modified ticket #16

    Support for Integrator::Properties in FMUModelExchange and IncrementalFMU

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [cde3c2]

    Merge branch 'issue-16-integrator-properties'

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [323574]

    ADD: Integrator::Property support in IncrementalFMU (#16)

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel posted a comment on ticket #16

    Support via void FMUModelExchangeBase::setIntegratorProperties( Integrator::Properties& properties ) partially available. IncrementalFMU support is still missing

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel created ticket #16

    Support for Integrator::Properties in FMUModelExchange and IncrementalFMU

  • Edmund Widl committed [df7406]

    fix model description to allow running test under Linux (removed '.exe' from executable name)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [13e3ba]

    improved FMI CS 2.0 support of import package; added new tests accordingly;

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [54f5b0]

    fixed typo in model description file

  • Edmund Widl committed [d125af]

    updated model description for testing

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [467101]

    added MINGW workaround concerning boost filesystem library (undefined reference to boost::filesystem::detail::copy_file)

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [de6bb5]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [1deea5]

    export package bow uses almost same structure for storing data in the model description's vendor annotations

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [969fa1]

    added FMI 2.0 support for export package

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [f2a16f]

    MOD: Changed the update policy of der(x)

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel modified ticket #9

    2.0 ME only FMU fails to load if co-simulation functions are missing

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [b94441]

    Merge branch 'issue-9-me-2.0-only'

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [ea866d]

    FIX: Selectively load FMI 2.0 functions (#9)

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [38826a]

    FIX: Spurious 'static' statements

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [440a82]

    MOD: Removed Duplicated Code

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [d49366]

    MOD: Removes duplicate DLL/SO access code

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel modified ticket #9

    2.0 ME only FMU fails to load if co-simulation functions are missing

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [c75f45]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Edmund Widl Edmund Widl committed [402848]

    class FMIComponentBackEnd initializes now the variables corresponding to 'stop_time' and 'stop_time_defined'

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [bc6df1]

    MOD: Disable UBLAS runtime type checks

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel modified ticket #15

    Automatically deduce FMU model identifier before loading

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [12621f]

    FIX: Missing include directive

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [89aed3]

    Merge branch 'issue-15-automatic-type-name'

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [0a7d35]

    ADD: Getter function for IncrementalFMU::timeDiffResolution_

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [03cd49]

    ADD: C'tor for IncrementalFMU which takes the model identifier and no URL

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [5ece97]

    MOD: Made ModelManager::getTypeOfLoadedModel(...) public

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [9a4897]

    ADD: Automatic name deduction and unload function

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [5aab98]

    FIX: Flaw in ModelDescription::hasModelIdentifier(...)

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [2fb9fd]

    MOD: Refactored ModelManager::loadFMU(...)

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel committed [350519]

    ADD: Function stub and test cases for #15

  • Michael Spiegel Michael Spiegel modified ticket #15

    Automatically deduce FMU model identifier before loading

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