
Calling a script

  • _Henry_

    _Henry_ - 2008-01-16

    Hello Mr. Wim,

    I want to know if fmDotNet can call a script automatically on FM while the FM itself is opened?
    The script contained "Show Dialog", etc which requires user interaction. If it is possible, could you please let me know how to do it?

    Thank you.


    • Wim Decorte

      Wim Decorte - 2008-01-17

      Hi Henry,

      FileMaker Pro doesn't have an XML interface, only FileMaker Server so fmDotNet won't do you any good if you want to talk to regular FMP.  However FMP does haven an ActiveX interface (on Windows) and an AppleScript Library (on Mac) that you can use to call scripts from the outside.

      Check out my website: for ActiveX examples.  Look in the FMP help file on "activeX" to see the objects and methods that FMP exposes.




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