
FlyHigh / News: Recent posts

Stable Release 0.7.0

Many thanks to Jurg Allemann. He ported FlyHigh to Qt4 and cmake. This opens up new ways with the powerful platform of Qt4.

Posted by Alex Graf 2010-10-13

Support for 6015/IQ Basic finished

The Flytec 6015 and Brauniger IQ Basic are now full supported. Take release 0.6.0 to gain full access!

Posted by Alex Graf 2010-08-15

Jürg Allemann joined FlyHigh

Jürg ports FlyHigh to QT4 and migrates the build system to cmake. Follow the svn branches tree!

Posted by Alex Graf 2010-08-15

Route and waypoints

FlyHigh now supports route and waypoints for the 6015. Configuration features are following. Take svn trunk for newest features.

Posted by Alex Graf 2010-03-11

Support for Flytec 6015

The development for the Flytec 6015 support has started. It's now possible to select the device and load flights. Further features are following. Take svn trunk for newest features.

Posted by Alex Graf 2010-03-09

Version 0.5.4 released

Bernd Fuhrmann pointed me to a very ugly bug. I didn't hardly believe it myself but in some SQL queries were non-ascii characters. These characters were "introduced" from version 0.5.2 to 0.5.3.
Very urgent to update to 0.5.4

Posted by Alex Graf 2009-11-27

Migration to svn

FlyHigh is migrated to svn. cvs support is disabled.

Posted by Alex Graf 2009-10-14

Version 0.5.3 released

Support for airspace view. Airspace window has new a preview of all loaded airspaces.

Posted by Alex Graf 2009-10-14

Bugfix Release 0.5-2

File corruption at multi-track download fixed. I strongly recommend to upgrade to this bugfix release! Thanks to Nicolas Iselin for help hunting this bug!

Posted by Alex Graf 2009-04-30

Support for KML

KML file generation for GoogleEarth is now supported.

Posted by Alex Graf 2007-12-09

New database design

Database model is totally redesigned. The new model has the advantage of more and complexer waypoint and flight information.

Posted by Alex Graf 2007-03-07

Table Flights creation fixed

Table Flights will be created on first flyhigh launch. Get version_0_4_1.

Posted by Alex Graf 2006-10-26

No table flights

Unfortenately it's not possible to use flyhigh_0_4 for flights. The table flights_user is not created. A quick solution is to install an earlier version and then do an upgrade to version_0_4.

Posted by Alex Graf 2006-10-23

Flights on swissmap 100

Flights can be visualized on Swissmap 100. Therfore a CD with Swissmap 100 (non-free) data is required.

Posted by Alex Graf 2006-09-17

Version 0.3.2 released

See download section

Posted by Alex Graf 2006-05-30

garmin support canceled

Sorry guys... But it's impossible to support Garmin without a device of them... There's no interest of Garmin to support FlyHigh. Alternatively you can download your Track by another software and import it in FlyHigh.

Posted by Alex Graf 2006-01-08

start integration of garmin

Garmin protocol stack from gpspoint is built in. Adaption to FlyHigh interface will take some time.

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-06-16

version 0_3_1 is released

Fixed several bugs. Progress bars on long operations. Screen update on long operations. Icon for FlyHigh

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-06-04

version 0_3 is released

Support for AirSpaces
Persistent configuration
OLC WebForm
GliderType is now in all Forms from DB

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-05-09

support for OpenAir space files

OpenAir space files can be imported to DB. Unfortenately Flytec 5020 does support airspaces on end of 2005.

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-05-06

support for OLC

For OLC registration it's laboriously to fill in all fields with flight data. Export creates a html form with the available values and submit this for check to the OLC server. The OLC server responds with a new form, filled with the available and missing values.

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-05-06

version 0_2 is released

a first stable version. debian binary and source as tarball available.

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-04-18

support for airspaces

Airspaces can now be handled in SQL DB. Import of OpenAirspace text files is possible.

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-04-17

3D visualization support (CVS)

Flights can be viewed in GPLIGC and OLC optimization wiht gnuplot.
Sorry, only available by CVS.

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-02-22

flyhigh_beta_0_1 is out

This release should run stable, but without any comfort. No installation instructions. Error messages are very rare.

Posted by Alex Graf 2005-02-21