
#92 "swapworkspace": take you to 2nd MRU workspace


This patch implements Feature Request #1471112, and
mentions the new command "swapworkspace" in the manual.

I've tested it, and by eyeball it works correctly.


  • Jonas Kölker

    Jonas Kölker - 2006-04-22
  • Jonas Kölker

    Jonas Kölker - 2006-04-22

    Logged In: YES

    remember to also close (or at least have a second look at)
    feature request #1221646.

  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2006-10-27
    • assigned_to: nobody --> akir
  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-08-28

    If the feature is desired, the patch requires a little polishment.

    Leaving aside wording ("swapworkspace" "m_2nd_mru_workspace", what's "mru"? -> "m_formerWorkspace" "[toggle]formerWorkspace") the patch should rather if (m_formerWorkspace) than asserting in release code.

    @Jonas, are you still alive ;-) and do you want to pass the patch an update?
    @Mathias, do we want ?

  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2016-09-03

    dunno yet. the mru (last used =) desktop might be empty. is that usefull? not sure.

    in terms of terms: NextWindow cycles based upon MRU. it would be consistent to make NextWorkspace cycle in a similar fashion ... if the syntax is extended properly.

  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-09-03

    I think the idea of the request is to toggle between to workspaces, ie. you're on WS #1, move to WS #3, then have a shortcut to get you back to WS #1, WS #3, WS #1, ...
    RCs have such button to allow you to swap between Eurosport and ESPN when two events take place at the same time (or you'd rather watch a sitcom than the warm-up to the event :-)

    "most recently used" - d'ohhh

  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2016-09-03

    RCs ... okay, lets battle over acronyms: my RC (remote control for the less couch savvy) has only less-than-10-BTNs =)

    yeah, thats what i meant with NextWindow has this MRU-kind of behavior as well. so, it might be something worth trying to code into NextWorkspace. right now NextWorkspace has an (optional) offset. one could change that: if no offset is given, MRU triggers. if an offset is given, that one is used.

  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-09-03

    Ah, a polymorph action ;-)
    Yes, but I'd say "0" has to be passed explicitly (to preserve the present behavior of the existing action)
    Next|PrevWorkspace would then act the same for (the otherwise idiotic) "0" offeset.


  • Mathias Gumz

    Mathias Gumz - 2016-09-03

    polymorphic virtual abstract mumbojumbo flitzifratz. .)

    yeah, 0 as the marker for MRU. OR ... "MRU" :)

  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-09-06
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
     This patch implements Feature Request \#1471112, and
     mentions the new command "swapworkspace" in the manual.
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> future
  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-09-06

    Discussion result in updated patch in


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