
#94 Rearrange toolbar buttons order


I would like to be able to change the order of toolbar buttons. I would
like to (left|middle|right)-click and drag the buttons to change its
position on toolbar. (something like Opera way of handling "tabs")


  • Simon Bowden

    Simon Bowden - 2004-06-19

    Logged In: YES

    I feel this is quite excessive as a feature. I doubt people
    would want to change the order regularly.
    You can change it manually by editing the init file - look
    for the line. Then just
    change the order of the elements in it.

  • Denilson Sá

    Denilson Sá - 2004-10-29

    Logged In: YES

    No, you haven't understood it. Maybe I haven't explained it well.

    I want to rearrange "windows icons/buttons" in taskbar. Like if I open 5
    windows and I would prefer to order then some way in taskbar.

  • Jake Goulding

    Jake Goulding - 2007-11-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'll add a poke to this request. I usually will have 6 or so terminals open per desktop. Each one will have its own meaning (one for code, one for debugging, one for building, one for log files, etc.) I'm also a very spacial user, and the first one needs to always be the same function. I usually can get away with opening things in the right order, but that is brittle: firefox crashes, I accidentally close a terminal, etc.

  • Tyler Gates

    Tyler Gates - 2018-07-30

    +1. Would be very useful. Order matters to me, as do all the other micro-customizations that are required in order for me to use fluxbox at work. Is there no interest in this?

  • rysson

    rysson - 2018-08-27

    It looks not rocket-since feature but it is realy very useful. We (users) are still interesed in.

  • Vitezslav Crhonek

    +1. I'd like to have this feature implemented too. I'm happy user of Fluxbox on almost fifteen years and this is probably the only one thing I'm missing every now and then.

  • Admin

    Admin - 2019-03-27

    +9000 to this feature please.. How much do i have to donate to get this feature happening ? Ive Used Fluxbox for the past 16 years too and it is just the best possible WM for Linux/BSD and this is the only thing that drives me nuts when i have to re open an application and it is not in the place I need it to be and then I have to close everything and open every app in order, sigh.

  • omero

    omero - 2019-08-22

    Fluxbox is what I switched to after WindowMaker... Fluxbox RUL3Z!
    Re-ordering the toolbar is TEH only feature that would compensate my OCD...
    I subscribe to this feature request.

  • Admin

    Admin - 2019-08-26

    Please, what do we have to do to be able to see this feature in our lifetime ? Any developer who have the knowledge to do this ?

  • jimkool

    jimkool - 2021-07-08

    Poorly written code is probably the reason behind this not being implemented as 17 years later and still not done is very suspicious,otherwise why would this be so hard to do when it's a common feature of all window managers. I'm now using tint2 as my panel and highly recommend it. It's lightweight and you can keep Fluxbox as the window manager.

  • Gordon N. Squash

    Please forgive me if the following rubs off as arrogant or if I'm about to commit a faux pas by saying this. All I mean to do here is help people; I don't want to raise eyebrows.

    A friend of mine asked me to look into implementing this feature many months ago. He even said he'd pay me to implement it. Since then, every time I've looked into implementing this, I've found it's going to take some fairly major and detailed rewriting and refactoring of the Fluxbox toolbar code. (Interestingly, Fluxbox's TODO file states that the toolbar code needs rewriting anyway.) Back then (months ago), I was too busy with my day job to put in the effort required to implement this, especially considering that I couldn't expect the monetary reward to be very significant (certainly not proportionate to the amount of work I'd put in to the patch).

    However, I've just lost my day job. Not only do I no longer have something else taking up my time, but I need an income while I find a new job. Which is why I am making the following offer:

    I will write the code for this feature and make it a reality for once, if I can raise at least $400 USD from people who want this feature implemented.

    If this setup can somehow be arranged, then I will bring this feature to Fluxbox. When I have the patch ready (and then I have received a total of at least $400) I will at minimum provide my patch publicly. I will then send my patch for proposed inclusion in Fluxbox officially, and work to get it accepted, if the Fluxbox team does not reject my patch entirely.

    Thank you in advance.


    Last edit: Gordon N. Squash 2022-11-25

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