
#1153 occasionally window disappears from panel

Petr Vorel

Hi there,

occasionally I experienced some of windows disappears from panel, after switching with alt+tab it gets back. Its difficult to reproduce as it doesn't occur all the time, but it's annoying.

I tested it on 1.3.5 (1.3.5-2+b1 on Debian), I can test it on master, if you want.
Which logs / what debugging do you need from me to get you more info?

Kind regards,


  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-11-16

    Yes, please test git master - the code changed a lot.
    However, could you spot a pattern (always the same window, only ARGB windows, window with exceptionally long titles?) - maybe this happes while the window alters its title (and it's temporarily ena empty string)

    Do you use window icons in the iconbar and do the windows in question have icons (which in turn disappear as well)?

  • Petr Vorel

    Petr Vorel - 2016-11-16

    I think it's just chromium which is disappearing, e.g. the same windows. It happens not so often, so it's difficult to debug it.

    Do you use window icons in the iconbar and do the windows in question have icons (which in turn disappear as well)?
    Do you mean toolbar.iconbar.borderWidth: {integer} and toolbar.iconbar.empty.pixmap: {filename}? No, my style don't have it

    I've compiled current master, let you know after I'll encounter the bug again.

  • Petr Vorel

    Petr Vorel - 2016-11-16

    I experienced it with evince (several windows opened), but unfortunatelly it was still on 1.3.5 (before restarting fluxbox, now I've restarted into fluxbox master). I'm not sure if the problem was with chromium.

  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2016-11-17

    Nope, "session.screen0.iconbar.usePixmap" in .fluxbox/init (should hint whether this is about the string or the element)

  • Petr Vorel

    Petr Vorel - 2016-11-19

    Do you use window icons in the iconbar
    I'm using icons:
    $ grep session.screen0.iconbar.usePixmap ~/.fluxbox/init
    session.screen0.iconbar.usePixmap: true

    and do the windows in question have icons (which in turn disappear as well)?
    I suppose it had icons.

    At the moment it seems to be fixed on master. Let's wait for some time if it appears again. I also test it on dual screen.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Petr Vorel

    Petr Vorel - 2016-11-29

    Error occurred again, with quite recent master (1.3.7+, git: 26c1cfcc07c88b02bd9aa1c23aca61d8a3a313ea). Disapearing window is chromium browser. When there are several windows (3x chromium, 1x rxvt-unicode) with switching

    Part of ~/.fluxbox/log:
    src/ PropertyNotify( - Chromium), property = _NET_WM_NAME
    src/ PropertyNotify(Facebook - Chromium), property = WM_NAME
    src/ FluxboxWindow(Facebook - Chromium)::raise()[layer=8]
    src/ PropertyNotify(Facebook - Chromium), property = _NET_WM_USER_TIME
    src/ FluxboxWindow(Facebook - Chromium)::raise()[layer=8]
    src/ PropertyNotify(Facebook - Chromium), property = _NET_WM_USER_TIME
    src/ PropertyNotify(Facebook - Chromium), property = _NET_WM_NAME
    src/ PropertyNotify(Facebook - Log In or Sign Up - Chromium), property = WM_NAME
    src/ PropertyNotify(Facebook - Log In or Sign Up - Chromium), property = _NET_WM_USER_TIME
    src/ PropertyNotify(Facebook - Log In or Sign Up - Chromium), property = _NET_WM_USER_TIME

    Fluxbox: X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)(9) opcodes 14/0 resource 0x1800e49
    src/ (unmapNotifyEvent): 0x1800e49
    src/ (unmapNotifyEvent): title=Facebook - Log In or Sign Up - Chromium
    src/ FluxboxWindow::restore: reparent 0x1800e49 to root

    src/ src/[this=0x5641e15195c0]
    src/ (removeClient)[0x5641e1548bb0]
    src/ (removeClient)[0x5641e1548bb0] numClients = 0
    src/ FluxboxWindow::focus isModal() = 0
    src/ FluxboxWindow::focus transient size = 0
    src/ ------------------
    src/ Setting Focused window = 0
    src/ Current Focused window = 0x5641e15195c0
    src/ ------------------

    BTW: it would help to have timestamp in ~/.fluxbox/log

    Kind regards,


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