
User group

  • Guus Bonnema

    Guus Bonnema - 2013-11-07

    Hi Paul, I know we don't get much user traffic, but would creating a user forum here be useful? It is probably the first place a true user of JavaFBP will look for support.

    The other query is whether the project name (now Flow Based Programming) renders JavaFBP unfindable (not english, I know). Is there a way to make sure people can find JavaFBP when they type in JavaFBP in the project?

    Currently you get "no results found" for search javafbp.

    Regards, Guus.


    Last edit: Guus Bonnema 2013-11-07
  • J. Paul Morrison

    This question also fits in with Discussions and decisions on the Group - Trello is also a possibility, and so is github...

    When you mentioned searching for JavaFBP I wasn't sure where you are searching. When I search for it under Google, the first hit is the wiki page (which I'd forgotten about!). I notice it's a but back-level - maybe I should update it a bit! However, it does have a link to the FBP index page, which also has links to SourceForge - a bit roundabout!

    You're right, maybe the trail of breadcrumbs has gotten a bit moldy!

  • Guus Bonnema

    Guus Bonnema - 2013-11-11

    I did my search as if new to sourceforge and searching for a project in sourceforge, looking for fbp: I find nothing. Looking for flow based programming, I find this project, but only this way. Even then it is not clear that it contains javafbp, or cppfbp for that matter.

    My query was whether as an admin you could add something like a project synonym, so people will find both javafbp and cppfbp or c#fbp.

    Regards, Guus.


    Last edit: Guus Bonnema 2013-11-11
  • J. Paul Morrison

    Couldn't figure out to add synonym to project - I tried adding JavaFBP, etc., as Features, but the search doesn't find it. How would people even know to look in SourceForge - I think the best way is to start with Google or Bing, and go from there!


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