
FlightGear Merge Request #92: Remove *NIX-specific packaging files (merged)



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Alessandro Menti wants to merge 0 commits from /u/elgaton/flightgear/ to next, 2017-05-18

Remove old *NIX-specific packaging files (which seem to be obsolete now, since packaging is handled by each distribution), as well as an old icon.

Commit Date  


  • Florent Rougon

    Florent Rougon - 2017-05-07


    Thanks for your request. My experience with Debian packaging agrees with what you propose here, and Rebecca just expressed a similar opinion:

    Can you please post a short mail on flightgear-devel to be sure everyone gets a chance to see it?

    Ah, and if you consider working on the remaining desktop file, please first read my reply to Rebecca's message, too:


    • Alessandro Menti

      I'll post an e-mail in a minute.

      Regarding the .desktop file, I also agree with your proposal, and I've sent the translations to the -devel list - let me know if you would prefer me to file a merge request or if you would like to apply the translations directly.

  • Florent Rougon

    Florent Rougon - 2017-05-07

    Thanks, Alessandro. The way you sent the translations is perfectly fine. I'm adding the link to your post on the mailing list for completeness here:

    • Alessandro Menti

      Since there was no objection and James' approval (, I guess this can be merged now?

  • Florent Rougon

    Florent Rougon - 2017-05-13

    I'm reluctant to do it now without further approval, because we are supposed to have one or two releases soon (2017.2.1, possibly also 2017.1.4 for the recent security fix), and Torsten commented neither on this nor on the mail where I asked if I could rename the desktop file to org.flightgear.FlightGear.desktop. And he is the one managing the release scripts and process.

    I'm not forgetting you, it's just that I don't want to disturb a release process I don't control... So, unless Torsten replies, I would be inclined to merge this after the 2017.2.1 release. Is it really a problem to have these files for one more release?

    • Alessandro Menti

      No, that's perfectly fine (I'll continue monitoring the -devel list in case Torsten replies, and get the CMake patch ready in the meantime).

  • James Turner

    James Turner - 2017-05-14

    Agreed, let's do this one as soon as the release is branched.

  • Florent Rougon

    Florent Rougon - 2017-05-18


    I think this request is good for merging now. Can you please rebase it on current 'next' (I can do it if you want)? Something like:

    git checkout packaging-fixes
    git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/next
    git pull --rebase
    git push your-own-remote-for-SF +packaging-fixes

    where the 'upstream' remote points to the official FG repo. Then click on the “Refresh commits” button above, and we should be good.


    • Alessandro Menti

      It should be good now.

  • Florent Rougon

    Florent Rougon - 2017-05-18
    • Status: open --> merged
  • Florent Rougon

    Florent Rougon - 2017-05-18

    Yep, thanks!


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