
saving sets in folders named from the set

  • ommot

    ommot - 2006-09-25


    firstly, this software is awesome

    but i think the length of my set titles is causing problems with the option to save photos in folders named after the set title.

    i'm using the mac osx version.

    and this is my flickr...

    is this so?  anyway around it?

    • Andrew Serff

      Andrew Serff - 2006-09-27

      Unfortunately, the >'s in your set names are what is killing it.  These are not valid characters for files/directories on Windows.  Currently, I just do a blind check for both Posix and Windows safe names.  Therefore, even though you are on OS X and the name is legal there, it fails because of the Windows check.  I did this for a reason, but I can't remember why.  If I have time to look at it soon, I'll try to make it know which platform you are on and only use those rules. 

      For now, if you want it to work, you will have to take those >'s out of the set titles.  Sorry!



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