
FLEX-db Digital Asset Manager / News: Recent posts

Conference Participation announces that two project members are participating on panels at the Global Society for Asset Management (G-SAM) 03 conference. Joseph Mullen is going to participate in the "Thorny Issues: DAM In Flux" panel and Gary Bollinger is on the " Development Approaches to DAM: To Build Or Not To Build" panel. The two bring the open source perspective. The conference is November 10 - 11 in New York. Both panels are on November 11.... read more

Posted by Joseph Mullen 2003-10-16

Initial Open Source Release of FLEX-db announces the availability of the binary release of FLEX-db the enterprise Digital Asset Manager (DAM) version FLEX-db was contributed to the open source community by FLEXSTOR with the goal of building a community around a standard DAM platform for the access, storage and processing of digital computer file based information.

Developers and users worldwide now have an open source standard J2EE DAM platform to embed into workflows requiring access to and processing of digital files. The availability of this piece of infrastructure software opens up the possibilities for users seeking to create innovative integrated solutions across their organization. ... read more

Posted by Joseph Mullen 2003-09-05