
flatPHPbook / News: Recent posts

flatPHPbook v1.02 released

I just released version 1.02 of flatPHPbook, featuring the ability to reject posts based on a list of banned words. I also added Unicode support, and posts can now be saved with a timecode that differs from the timezone of the server (by specifying an offset value in hours).
I also fixed the code regarding hyperlinks which were not opening in the desired target.

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2005-02-08

flatPHPbook v1.01 released

flatPHPbook, the PHP guestbook script that does not require a MySQL database and still provides a lot of funtionality, has just released version 1.01.
The new release offers both bug fixes as well as a new feature: it can now be set so that moderators have to approve posts before they are made public.

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2004-06-25

flatPHPbook v1.0 released!

Finally v1.0!

This release brings some bugfixes as well as new features,
most notably of all:
custom fields and the ability to comment or edit old posts (and new icons ;) )!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2004-02-28

flatPHPbook 1.0 soon done (not yet though)

I have fixed one bug that was in 0.9.9 which displayed a wrong string (well, the correct string, only always in English, not the selected translation), but - I added a new feature I guess many of you have been waiting for:

You can now edit the posts via a web interface (since you of course could have edited them until now via downloadinging and manually editing the file), and you can also add an "admin comment" to a post. This will both of course not break or change the database format.... read more

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2004-01-18

flatPHPbook 0.9.9 language files released

I just put together released all the language files I had floating around in my email inbox (because it was mostly some 7 new lines per language file update I received per mail from the language maintainers).

This now addes the following languages (except English default) to the flatPHPbook guestbook script:
German, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Dutch, French.

Again: Thanks to the contributers!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2004-01-11

0.9.9 released

Well, the title says it all.
Got some new features, size via BBcode, the option to not display all the BBcode buttons, and you can also change the character coding for the HTML, and some code cleanup... again.

Language files are not yet done, but soon will be.

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-12-12

Dutch, Russian and French

I just uploaded the new language files for the Dutch (Adelheid Bekaert) and Russian (Andrey Mikhalchuk) translations.

I also re-uploaded the French translation, obviously I did not upload the whole archive the last time (ws some 14 bytes missing).

Now it should all work.

To use the Russian file, you must add this line to the HTML header (displayHTMLheader function):

echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=windows-1251">";... read more

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-12-01

Swedish language file

Thanks to Anders Ekelund of there is now a swedish language file for versions 0.9.7 / 0.9.8, and he also submitted the translations for the upcoming 0.9.9.

Thanks, Anders!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-11-25

0.9.8 released

Just released a new version which basically adds nothing except the possibility to use cookies instead of sessions, because sessions often did not seem to work.
Since I rewrote parts of the whole script, it seems to me that sessions themselves work better now as well...

So: if you had problems with staying logged in admin mode (e.g. you could not delete and got kicked back to normal mode), give this release a try!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-11-08

Adminmode problems

I have been made aware by several parties that you are automatically kicked out of admin mode.
I thought this to be a problem with PHP sessions and your webhoster, but maybe is a little more complex. We'll see...
In the meantime, I added the possibility to use cookies instead of sessions and already made this the default. This is working in 0.9.8rc both here in the demo and on my private homepage, so I guess I will release that shortly.
Since there were some initial problems with cookies as well (quite similar to the ones with sessions), I might actually have solved that problem, too. Stay tuned for more!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-11-04

Language problems with 0.9.7

In 0.9.7., I accidentally included an old version of the JavaScript file guestbook.js. This does not change the functionality of the script, but if you want to use a language file (whether provided by me or your own) the dialog boxes for inserting BBcode as well as the help texts for the BBcode will be displayed in english.

I will of course add the right JavaScript file in the next release.

In the meantime, download version 0.9.6 and use the JavaScript file from that releases. Functionality-wise it is the same.... read more

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-10-22

Demo was not working

Sorry for me breaking the demo, but obviously I was too stupid to read my onw manuals ;)
I had mistakenly (during an update) reset the permissions for the database file, and so it was no longer writable for the script. Fixed now!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-10-14

Problems with deleting and sessions

I just noted on my home test installation that there was a problem deleting unwanted posts in 0.9.6. I moved code around before releasing 0.9.6, and before that it worked.
I found the error and the bugfix will be in 0.9.7, which will soon be released and feature Email Notification for new posts.
I just have to figure the reason why sessions sometimes do not work anymore... they were just fine some days ago, and now on my web hoster my Release Candidate just does not always save them... maybe they changed something as well...

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-10-12

Language Packs re-organized

I just reorganized the language packs into version packages, since I realized this just fits the scheme better with the script itself being so organized.

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-10-12

0.9.6 Released

Just released the new version.
This contains one major improvement over the previous versions: if a user submitted a post and omitted a username or the comment itself, he was notified of his mistake and taken back to the start page, everything he might have entered gone.
Now he is presented with the form again, the missing fields highlited.
Additionally, the default stylesheet got overhauled as well as some minor bugfixes and enhancements.... read more

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-10-06

First translations coming in

Thanks to Joachim Rohde (, this project now has a Spanish translation as well as the original English and German ones done by me!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-09-15

0.9.5 releae and localization

Just uploaded the new version, 0.9.5.

This is the first version for which you can simply change the language via an external language file (feature by request). The main package still only includes English, but a German pack is available for download as well. Other language packs made by you are appreciated!

It also includes some minor bug fixes in the JavaScript section.

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-09-13

0.9.4 Release

New release, again? After two days?

Yep. I was made aware of a bug regarding the BBcode for URLs, and while I did not notice this bug before, someone else did. Because it was just there. Easy to spot, easy to fix this time.

I also improved the documentation again and made the resulting HTML of the script (and the Readme, btw.) compliant to the HTML 4.01 Transitional standard.

You might want to give this a try!... read more

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-09-01

0.9.3 Release

This one contains a lot of additions and updates to the documentation and 2 minor bugfixes (date display and link display).
You do not really need this, but it doesn't hurt either!

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-08-29

0.9.2 Release

Just uploaded the new version.

New feature:
- Viewing and Signing can now be on separate pages.

Bug fixes include:
- homepage-URLs are now formatted correctly
- deleting should now work correctly (it probably did for you until now, only did not under very special circumstances)

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-08-19

0.9.1 Release

The 0.9.1 release of the flatPHPbook mainly fixes 2 bugs that were in 0.9.0:

First, quotes (or other similar special characters) got displayed with a leading escaping backslash until now. Never posted with quotes, but the first installation of this script, I get the first post, and use quotes myself... well.

Second, if - coincidentally - the admin deletes a post while someone else submits a new post, the numbering gets mixed up. To prevent deleting the wrong post (which 0.9.0 does - UPDATE!), the new version also checks if the content is that of the post-to-be-deleted, and if not, does nothing.

Posted by Thomas Hettenhausen 2003-08-05