
PIC24-30-33 Utility Words Log in to Edit

Mikael Nordman Pete Zawasky

Utility word collection by Pete Zawasky

marker -util
decimal ram

\ Clear PAD and free RAM up to start of FLASH
: clr_ram   ( -- )
   pad  pfl pad -  $00 fill  ;


\ Define PAD space to establish start of free RAM
32 allot

\ FORGET can only adjust the FLASH DP.
\ Allotted EEPROM or RAM will not be reclaimed.
: forget   ( <name> -- )
   bl word latest @ (f) 0= ?abort?
   c>n 2- dup @ 0= ?abort?
   dup flash dp ! @ latest ! ram  ;

: u.r-   ( u +n -- )    \ display u unsigned in field of +n
                        \  with leading zeros and no trailing space
   0 swap <# 1- for # next #s #> type ;   

: .mem  ( -- )     \ print current memory locations
   base @  hex
   cr ." flash  "  flash  here #4 u.r
   cr ." eeprom "  eeprom here #4 u.r
   cr ." ram    "  ram    here #4 u.r
   space base !  ;

: <=   ( n1 n2 -- flag )
   -  1-  0<  ;    \ leave true flag if n1 less than or equal to n2

: ?dup ( x -- 0 | x x )
   dup if dup then  ;

: pick ( xu ... x0 u -- xu ... x0 xu)
   2* 2+ sp@ swap - @  ;

: ?    ( addr -- )      \ print unsigned contents at addr
   2 spaces @ u.  ;     \  in the current base

: c?   ( addr -- )      \ print byte contents at addr
   2 spaces c@ .  ;     \  in the current base

: c?%  ( addr -- )              \ print byte contents at addr
   2 spaces base @ swap         \  in binary
   c@ 8 bin u.r  base !  ;

: ?%   ( addr -- )              \ print contents at addr
   2 spaces base @ swap         \  in binary
   @ 16 bin u.r  base !  ;

\ Compile a word which creates n cell indexed arrays.
\ compile-time       n array <name> where n is size of array
\ run-time           i <name> where i is the array index
\                               and i is zero based (0...n-1)
: array  ( n -- )
   create cells allot
   does>  ( i -- 'cell )  swap cells +  ;   

\ Compile a word which creates n indexed character arrays.
\ compile-time       n carray <name>  where n is size of array
\ run-time           i <name> where i is the array index
\                               and i is zero based (0...n-1)
: carray ( n -- ) 
   create  allot 
   does>  ( i -- 'char ) +  ;

\ Create a 20 character array in eeprom called CALIBRATE.
\  eeprom
\  decimal 20 carray calibrate
\  ram    

\ Display the contents of program space in FLASH memory,
\  given the starting address and length.
\ For the dsPIC30F, program space addr range is $1000 to $fbff,
\  (See
\ Displays in hex notation and printable ASCII.
\ idump expects base to be hex.
\ Instruction Dump.
\ addr range is $1000 to $fbff.
\ +n is the number of instructions to dump.
: idump  ( addr +n -- )
   swap $fffe and      \ start on even address
   swap $8 u/
   ?dup 0=             \ always print at least 1 row
   if 1 then           \ number of rows to print
     cr dup 4 u.r- [char] : emit space  \ display row starting addr
     $8                \ number of instructions per row
     for               \ print 1 row of program space
       dup cf@ 2 u.r- 4 u.r 2+   \ fetch 24 bits from flash and print
     $10 -             \ wind back the addr
     $8                \ number of instructions
     for               \ print ASCII
       dup cf@ swap drop
       over c@+ swap c@ rot
       3               \ 3 bytes at a time
         dup bl $7f within 0=
         if drop [char] . then   \ non-printable character
       next 2+
   drop cr  ;

\ Create an execution table with n entries.
\ Each entry consists of 'nn' cell sized comparison value
\   and 'an' the address of the corresponding word to be executed.
\ At least two entries must be provided, the last one being the
\   default action.
\ Jump Table (from Haskell)
\ Example:
\    JUMP_TABLE do.key
\               control H  |  bkspace
\               control Q  |  quit
\               HEX 2B     |  escape  DECIMAL
\                   DEFAULT|  chrout
\ Useage:
\    do.key  ( n -- )   \ enter with n=code-to-match on TOS

\ Create a jump table.
: JUMP_TABLE  ( -- )       \ compile an execution table
              ( m -- )     \ execute a word corresponding to m
     [ flash ] here 0 ,    \ initial test_cnt stored at pfa
                           \ ( addr -- )
   does>              \ ( m addr -- )
     dup @            \ ( m a cnt -- )
       2dup @ =           \ ( m a flag -- )
       if                 \ a match was found
         nip cell+ @ex    \ execute the matched word
         rdrop exit       \   and exit
       cell+            \ ( m a -- ) point to next nn to test
     nip cell+ @ex  ;   \ execute the default word

\ Use the words | and default| to fill jump table.
: |             ( addr m -- addr )
    , ' ,               \ store m (match) and cfa in table
    1 over +!  ;        \ increment test_cnt at pfa

: default|      ( addr -- )
    drop ' ,  ;         \ store default word cfa in table

ram  hex


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  • Pete Zawasky

    Pete Zawasky - 2013-06-19

    Here is a file containing words that I have found helpful when using FF4.8.


    Last edit: Pete Zawasky 2013-10-07
  • Pete Zawasky

    Pete Zawasky - 2013-10-07

    Dictionary of FlashForth 4.81 on dsPIC 30, 33 and PIC 24
    A cleaned up version...


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