
#419 ERROR reading foreign metadata


I'm trying to reduce my Nuendo projects using flac.
I use this command to create a flac file:
flac -8 --keep-foreign-metadata -f -V "Audio 04_01.wav"
but the result is :
ERROR reading foreign metadata: invalid WAVE file: unexpected EOF (010)
When I remove --keep-foreign-metadata switch I get:
Audio 04_01.wav: WARNING: skipping unknown sub-chunk 'bext' (use --keep-foreign-metadata to keep)
Audio 04_01.wav: WARNING: skipping unknown sub-chunk 'Fake' (use --keep-foreign-metadata to keep)

I've no idea what are those sub-chunks but I don't want to lose any metadata.

I really appreciate your help!


  • lvqcl

    lvqcl - 2014-11-23

    Difficult to say where's a problem without the file. You can create a small WAV file that has this problem, upload it somewhere and post a link to it.

    • Behzad Eslami Tehrani

      You can find a sample file here

      Thank you!

  • lvqcl

    lvqcl - 2014-11-24

    Here's what sndfile-info prints:

    File : Audio 04_01.wav
    Length : 6097797
    RIFF : 6097789
    bext : 802
    fmt  : 16
      Format        : 0x1 => WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
      Channels      : 1
      Sample Rate   : 44100
      Block Align   : 3
      Bit Width     : 24
      Bytes/sec     : 132300
    *** Fake : 2 (unknown marker)
    data : 6096933
    Sample Rate : 44100
    Frames      : 2032311
    Channels    : 1
    Format      : 0x00010003
    Sections    : 1
    Seekable    : TRUE
    Duration    : 00:00:46.084
    Signal Max  : 1.37725e+006 (-15.69 dB)

    So, RIFF chunk size is odd (and also there's no padding byte for data chunk).

    That's why FLAC --keep-foreign-metadata fails: it implicitly expects it to be even.

    I'm not sure how to properly fix it. Anyone?


    Last edit: lvqcl 2014-11-24
    • Behzad Eslami Tehrani

      Thanks for information.

  • Erik

    Erik - 2014-11-30

    You should be able to use the sndfile-convert program to convert it into something usable, eg:

    sndfile-convert Audio 04_01.wav new-file.wav

    and that new file should work.

  • Erik

    Erik - 2015-02-18
    • status: open --> pending
  • Erik

    Erik - 2015-02-18

    Did you try the suggestion I made on 2014-11-30?

  • Behzad Eslami Tehrani

    Thank you for your concern.
    Yes I did, but the same happened:

    sndfile-convert "Audio 04_01.wav" new-file.wav
    flac -8 --keep-foreign-metadata -f -V "new-file.wav"

    new-file.wav: ERROR reading foreign metadata: invalid WAVE file: unexpected EOF(010)

    I also used sndfile-convert.exe for flac conversion and it worked,but it seemed that sndfile-convert.exe did not keep the meta-data.
    I did the following to find out whether the meta-data were still there:

    sndfile-convert "Audio 04_01.wav" sndfile-out.flac
    sndfile-convert sndfile-out.flac sndfile-out.wav
    flac -8 -f -V sndfile-out.wav

    when I used flac.exe to convert the original file without --keep-foreign-metadata, I received the following warnings:

    Audio 04_01.wav: WARNING: skipping unknown sub-chunk 'bext' (use --keep-foreign-metadata to keep)
    Audio 04_01.wav: WARNING: legacy WAVE file has format type 1 but bits-per-sample=24
    Audio 04_01.wav: WARNING: skipping unknown sub-chunk 'Fake' (use --keep-foreign-metadata to keep)

    but when I used flac.exe to convert sndfile-out.wav the output was just:

    sndfile-out.wav: WARNING: legacy WAVE file has format type 1 but bits-per-sample=24

    and there was no sign of other warnings ('bext' and 'Fake' sub-chunks). They had been deleted by sndfile-convert.exe while converting to flac and again converting to wave.
    I have no idea about those strange meta-data and I don’t know whether they are really important or I can just simply ignore them.

    Thank you.


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