
#37 %RCE deletes routines


I've been trying to use GT.M's %RCE to make changes to a set of routines, but each time it makes a change to a routine, it deletes it. This problem may be related to how the environment is configured, though as far as I know, I have not violated any rules with my configuration. For example, if I create an empty directory, execute "mumps -direct" from within that directory, and then use %RCE on routines I create there, it works as expected, but when my routine path is more complex, it generates an error for each change it makes and then deletes the routine it changed.

Along with deleting the routine, it also generates an error message: reof^%RCE,%SYSTEM-E-ENO18, Invalid cross-device link. I've searched GT.M's Message and Recovery Manual, but I cannot find this message. So I'm at a loss.

Before I start tearing apart the %RCE code, I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue, and if so, how did you correct it?

I've provided some details below, but if more is needed, please let me know, and thanks for your help.

Version: GT.M V6.3-001A Linux x86

O/S: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS

$zroutines: /gtm/LVA/SPF/code/o(/gtm/LVA/SPF/code/r /gtm/util/dev/code/r /gtm/vista/pro/code/r) /opt/fis-gtm/v63001a_i686

Note: The Linux account that's running the GT.M process has read/write access to all of the directories in $zroutines except, of course, for /opt/fis-gtm/v63001a_i686.

Sample run:

GTM>zedit "test"
test ;
write !,"hello"
GTM>d ^test


Routine: test
Current total of 1 routine.


GTM>zwrite %ZR

Routine Change Every occurrence

Routine: test
Current total of 1 routine.


Old string: hello
New string: world
Replace all occurrences of:


Show changed lines <Yes>?:

Output device: <terminal>:

Was: write !,"hello"
Now: write !,"world"
reof^%RCE,%SYSTEM-E-ENO18, Invalid cross-device link

Total of 1 routine parsed.
1 occurrence changed in 1 routine.

Routine: test

Current total of 0 routines.


Note: A subsequent search of the O/S confirms that the routine was indeed deleted. If I run the routine before I use %RCE, the object version (e.g., test.o) is not deleted.


Support Requests: #37


  • K.S. Bhaskar

    K.S. Bhaskar - 2018-02-02

    HI, Alan!

    Just a wild shot in the dark, but are your routines perhaps on a USB flash
    drive on a FAT file system? Where does /mnt/gtm/var/gtm/LVA/SPF/code/r/
    come from?

    – Bhaskar

    On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 10:23 AM, Alan O'Neill wrote:

    [support-requests:#37] %RCE deletes routines

    Status: open
    Labels: %RCE delete routines
    Created: Fri Feb 02, 2018 03:23 PM UTC by Alan O'Neill
    Last Updated: Fri Feb 02, 2018 03:23 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    I've been trying to use GT.M's %RCE to make changes to a set of routines,
    but each time it makes a change to a routine, it deletes it. This problem
    may be related to how the environment is configured, though as far as I
    know, I have not violated any rules with my configuration. For example, if
    I create an empty directory, execute "mumps -direct" from within that
    directory, and then use %RCE on routines I create there, it works as
    expected, but when my routine path is more complex, it generates an error
    for each change it makes and then deletes the routine it changed.

    Along with deleting the routine, it also generates an error message:
    reof^%RCE,%SYSTEM-E-ENO18, Invalid cross-device link. I've searched
    GT.M's Message and Recovery Manual, but I cannot find this message. So I'm
    at a loss.

    Before I start tearing apart the %RCE code, I'm wondering if anyone else
    has had this issue, and if so, how did you correct it?

    I've provided some details below, but if more is needed, please let me
    know, and thanks for your help.

    Version: GT.M V6.3-001A Linux x86

    O/S: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS

    $zroutines: /gtm/LVA/SPF/code/o(/gtm/LVA/SPF/code/r
    /gtm/util/dev/code/r /gtm/vista/pro/code/r) /opt/fis-gtm/v63001a_i686

    Note: The Linux account that's running the GT.M process has
    read/write access to all of the directories in $zroutines except, of
    course, for /opt/fis-gtm/v63001a_i686.

    Sample run:

    GTM>zedit "test"
    test ;
    write !,"hello"
    GTM>d ^test

    GTM>d ^%RSEL

    Routine: test
    Current total of 1 routine.


    GTM>zwrite %ZR
    GTM>d ^%RCE

    Routine Change Every occurrence

    Routine: test
    Current total of 1 routine.


    Old string: hello
    New string: world
    Replace all occurrences of:


    Show changed lines <Yes>?:

    Output device: <terminal>:

    Was: write !,"hello"
    Now: write !,"world"
    reof^%RCE,%SYSTEM-E-ENO18, Invalid cross-device link

    Total of 1 routine parsed.
    1 occurrence changed in 1 routine.
    GTM>d ^%RSEL

    Routine: test

    Current total of 0 routines.


    Note: A subsequent search of the O/S confirms that the routine was
    indeed deleted. If I run the routine before I use %RCE, the object version
    (e.g., test.o) is not deleted.

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    Support Requests: #37

  • FIS GT.M Support


    Please try adding this line (the one with the "+"):
    diff --git a/sr_port/rce.mpt b/sr_port/rce.mpt (aka RCE.m)
    index 3d9a072..bb92289 100755
    --- a/sr_port/rce.mpt
    +++ b/sr_port/rce.mpt
    @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ work s %ZR="",r=$zsearch("__")
    scan s r=%ZR(%ZR)
    u $p i out,%ZD'=$p!'outd w:$x>70 ! w %ZR,?$x\10+1*10
    i outd u %ZD w !!,r
    + s tf=$zparse(r,"DIRECTORY")_tf
    o:%ZC tf:(newversion:exception="s fnd=0 g reof") o o:(readonly:record=2048:rewind:exception="g rnoopen")
    u o:exception="g reof"
    s cnt1=cnt1+1

    One or more of your routine directories must be on a different mount point than your working directory (which results in the rename getting the errno 18).

    The above change places the temporary file in the same directory as the original file to avoid the issue.


  • Alan O'Neill

    Alan O'Neill - 2018-02-05

    Thanks a million! That did the trick.

    To answer Bhaskar's question: All of the mounted partitions are ext4 file systems. I configure my systems with one "local" partition for the O/S plus a few (the number is dependent on the system) that are replicated via DRBD to a secondary location for disaster recovery purposes. Of course, to any application running on the system, it should perceive all partitions as residing on the local machine, and strictly speaking, the data is stored on the local machine (as well as the remote machine where it is being replicated), albeit different partitions. It is likely that my working directory while running ^%RCE was /home (one replicated mount point), and it was operating on routines stored on /mnt/gtm (a different replicated mount point).

    I really appreciate your kind (and swift!) attention.

  • Alan O'Neill

    Alan O'Neill - 2018-02-06

    As a follow-up, I found that adding the suggested line had two negative outcomes. One was that ^%RSE failed with an undefined error. The other was that when multiple routines needed to be changed by ^%RCE, the O/S path in the tf variable grew continuously until the string exceeded 256 characters and an error occurred. To address these issues, I altered the line to read as follows.

    i %ZC,tf'["/" s tf=$zparse(r,"DIRECTORY")_tf

    The second test (i.e., tf'["/") may be less than ideal. It works for me since I'm running GT.M on Linux, but I don't know what it might need to be for different operating systems. I also wonder what might happen if routines being updated are spread over multiple partitions.

    I'm happy with the update as it stands. I'm writing to let you know in case you intend to incorporate it into future releases.

    Thanks again!

  • FIS GT.M Support

    Thank you for the feedback.

    We will consider this when making the update for future releases.



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