
GT.M V6.0-003 available

In V6.0-003, GT.M: adds IPv6 to the previous support of IPv4 for TCP connections. SOCKET devices, replication, inbound connections managed by Internet superservers such as inetd, and the GNP protocol - all GT.M uses of TCP/IP except the deprecated "TCP" devices - use TCP over both IPv4 and IPv6; maintains $KEY for terminal operation and introduces the [NO]EMPT[ERM] device parameter for terminal devices that allows an "erase" character to terminate a READ when there are no characters in the input buffer; improves critical section management & deadlock detection; changes the time stamp used for prior generation journal files to make operational management easier; as well as providing a number of other enhancements, improvements in robustness, and bug fixes. Details are in the release notes.

Posted by K.S. Bhaskar 2013-08-09

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