
GT.M V6.0-002 and GTMJI now available

GT.M V6.0-002 and the new GTMJI GT.M Java Plug-in, together extend the usefulness of both GT.M and Java by enabling in-process calls between Java and M application code. Together they make the power of GT.M available to Java application code, and allow GT.M applications to access functionality written in a popular programming language. V6.0-002 implements the changes within GT.M needed to allow access from and to Java application code, and GTMJI enables Java application code to call and be called by M code.

GTMJI is released as source code to be compiled and installed on each system. It is available to you under the same license under which GT.M itself is available, and you can downloaded it from the same location as GT.M.

As usual, V6.0-002 brings other useful enhancements - such as compiler options to reduce the memory footprint of literals - as well as bug fixes.

Detailed release notes for V6.0-002 are available at and the GTMJI technical bulletin is available at both in HTML. PDF versions optimized for screen and print are also available and links will be included in the GT.M user documentation page when it is updated early in the week of May 6. To access current GT.M user documentation, go to and click on the User Documentation tab.

Posted by K.S. Bhaskar 2013-05-04

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