
GT.M V5.3-000 available

GT.M V5.3-000 is a major new release. Although there are no changes to M language support or to database functionality, GT.M has been internally re-engineered to support both 32- and 64-bit architectures. Even on 64-bit hardware, prior GT.M releases have always executed as 32-bit processes.

Coming in a release in the near future, 64-bit GT.M processes will be supported on GNU/Linux on x86_64. Since 64-bit hardware and operating systems are not yet common on the x86 platform, a 32-bit GT.M will continue to be available to run on GNU/Linux on both x86 as well as x86_64 hardware.

GT.M on OpenVMS & Tru64 UNIX on Alpha/AXP will permanently retain a 32-bit architecture. Ongoing releases of GT.M on these platforms will include required bug fixes, but not enhancements.

As with any GT.M release, V5.3-000 includes fixes to bugs & misfeatures.

Details are in the release notes (

As an added precaution against errors in transmission and other causes of damage to the distribution files, checksums are available for each file. Please verify the checksums after downloading and before installing any GT.M distribution. If you get a checksum error, please download the file and try again. If you get the same incorrect checksum twice in a row, please send e-mail to as soon as possible.

406006561 155485 dbcertify_V53000_linux_i686_pro.tar.gz
334149899 4561975 gtm_V53000_linux_i686_pro.tar.gz
469718107 2825962 gtm_V53000_linux_i686_src.tar.gz

407556814 220314 dbcertify_V53000_osf1_alpha_pro.tar.gz
4003838902 6492615 gtm_V53000_osf1_alpha_pro.tar.gz
1281671799 2831962 gtm_V53000_osf1_alpha_src.tar.gz

1324806470 5492104
1518742548 4099049

Please remember to download using binary mode.

-- Bhaskar

Posted by K.S. Bhaskar 2008-01-23

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