
GT.M V5.2-000A available on x86 GNU/Linux

GT.M V5.2-000A is available. This provides timely fixes to GT.M on x86 GNU/Linux, as noted in the release notes (which if it is not there already will shortly be available shortly at\). Improvements of most general interest include:

1. GT.M now allows the $PIECE() and $EXTRACT() functions as targets in a SET command that has a parenthesized, comma-separated list of targets. Previous versions disallowed this usage.

2. GT.M introduces a new deviceparameter called MOREREADTIME that applies to OPEN and USE commands for a SOCKET device. Setting an appropriate value for this deviceparameter may significantly improve the performance of the SOCKET device in some cases.

3. Both socket /WAIT (server side) and socket READ now respond to MUPIP INTRPT. A previous limitation was that interrupts were not responded to at those times.

4. Unrecognized Intrinsic Functions and Intrinsic Special Variables and unrecognized deviceparameter constructions that are bypassed due to FALSE postconditionals no longer cause run-time errors. Errors still trigger error reports at compile time - for example "SET:0 $ZZZZ=1" continues to generate a compilation error - but no longer generates a run-time error.

GT.M released under the GNU General Public License ( is available from Source Forge (

As an added precaution against errors in transmission and other causes of damage to the distribution files, checksums are available for each file. Please verify the checksums after downloading and before installing any GT.M distribution. If you get a checksum error, please download the file and try again. If you get the same incorrect checksum twice in a row, please send e-mail to as soon as possible.

Use "cksum <file>" to compute and print the checksum.

374795404 154048 dbcertify_V52000A_linux_i686_pro.tar.gz
927449933 4527200 gtm_V52000A_linux_i686_pro.tar.gz
2063045064 2760049 gtm_V52000A_linux_i686_src.tar.gz

Please remember to download using binary FTP.

For further information, please contact K.S. Bhaskar (ks dot bhaskar at fnis dot com).

Posted by maimoneb 2007-04-13

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