
design implentation question

  • vdvb

    vdvb - 2013-04-15

    First off all thank you for reading this question and trying to help.
    Second I am a gt.m and cache noob so be clear and patient if you try to explain something to me.
    What I am trying to do is migrate multiple cache namespaces to a single gtm server( not database)
    ZN “DB1” 330 globals
    ZN “DB2” 330 globals
    ZN “DB3” 50 global
    DB1 and DB2 contains some globals with same name and structure but different data
    Are there best practices or how do I accomplish this best
    I have been reading a lot but there is little to no documentation/ real live examples on this
    Thanx in advance

  • K.S. Bhaskar

    K.S. Bhaskar - 2013-04-15

    Bert --

    A global directory maps a complete global name space. If DB1 and DB2 have globals with the same name, let's call them ^PQR and ^XYZ, you will need two global directories, one of which maps PQR and XYZ to DB1 and the other which maps PQR and XYZ to DB2. A process that needs to access both can either use an extended reference, or set $ZGBLDIR to the global directory to be used.

    You may find it helpful to go through the exercises in the Acculturation Workshop.

    Note that such a configuration does interact with replication.

    -- Bhaskar

  • bvdv

    bvdv - 2013-05-02

    i think i did not explained myself wel.
    we now have 2 servers
    -> one very old solaris machine with a cache database server
    -> one old linux machine with a gtm database server

    i have to migrate the solaris cache database to a new gtm database(ubuntu 12.4).
    the cache database has some intructions ZN ( name space) with this command you can switch to another database.

    by default you start with DB1 ( this one has 330 globals)
    when you type ZN "DB3" you are in the DB2 Database(same machine same server other database -> 50 globals)

    the GTM database on the linux machine( semi-testmachine :-) ) is now configured
    when i do
    --> cd /home/DB1
    and then --> gtm
    i am in the DB1 database
    i exit the gtm environment and then do
    --> cd /home/DB3
    and then --> gtm
    i am in the DB3 database

    This is the behavior i like but i can not configure it. i always have to change the ZGBLDIR value to change the database.

    So my question how do i configure gtm so that the database changes if i am in a particular directory.

    I think i make i more dificult than it is, buti can not find a tutorial or guide to acomplish this.



  • maimoneb

    maimoneb - 2013-05-02


    Consider using relative (from the perspective of the current working directory) paths to your database files in your global directory. That way when you shut down and cd to another directory, GT.M will access the database files relative to the current directory where it was started.


  • bvdv

    bvdv - 2013-05-03

    Both of you thanx for the quick response.
    Bill, this whas exactly what i was looking for.
    I ended up changing the gtmdir in th gtmprofile to gtmdir=./.fis-gtm
    I did not know it would and could work ;-).

    Again many thanx and excelent product.


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