
source error in gtm merge ^Global

  • ell

    ell - 2007-09-26

    what is the reason for such an error in GT.M,
    in simple command merge ^global=R:

    Global variable put failed.  Failure code: SSSS.


    • Narayanan Iyer

      Narayanan Iyer - 2007-09-26

      Failure code S indicates that the maximum height/depth of the B-tree (most likely the global variable tree for ^global) has been reached. One way to fix this is to increase the database block size (which will require an extract and reload) to accommodate more data without exceeding the maximum height.


      • K.S. Bhaskar

        K.S. Bhaskar - 2007-10-01

        It is *very* difficult to exceed the maximum, height of the tree with GT.M.

        1. How big was the database?

        2. What was the block size?

        What was the pattern of access?  Although GT.M mostly keeps the trees balanced, it is certainly theoretically possible to create a pathological access pattern that can cause GT.M to reach the maximum.

        -- Bhaskar


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