

  • George James

    George James - 2000-10-05

    Hello All
    Has anyone read far enough in the documentation yet to know whether there is any kind of web-server support?
    I assume that Sanchez has a web-server solution.  Is it bundled in with GTM or will someone need to port the FreeM solution (or something)?


    • Kate Schell

      Kate Schell - 2000-10-05

      Ed & I asked a similar question.  Here, in part is the response we received

      GT.M supports a "SOCKETS" interface to TCP/IP that creates the possibility
      of writing a web interface entirely in M that we believe would correspond to
      Ed's description.

      GT.M does not currently have a feature that provides a turnkey web interface
      that would match our understanding of your description.

      --- Kate

    • K.S. Bhaskar

      K.S. Bhaskar - 2000-10-05

      Although PROFILE/Anyware (the Sanchez M application) does use M to format HTML, it doesn't use GT.M for to serve web pages.  A web server would need to be ported to GT.M, which has supports "socket" as an I/O stream type.

      -- Bhaskar

      • John Murray

        John Murray - 2000-10-08

        How does the M-formatted HTML of PROFILE/Anywhere get served to the browser? Is there a CGI-style or xSAPI-style interface being used between the web server and GT.M, rather like PDQweb and WebLink have? Maybe we need to plan to add something like this.

        • K.S. Bhaskar

          K.S. Bhaskar - 2000-10-08

          Everything is sent in and out to PROFILE by messages over TCP/IP.  There is a Sanchez proprietary lightweight communications monitor called MTM that handles the messaging.  Each PROFILE/Anyware server (a UNIX process) has C code that communicates with MTM and sends/receives messages.  So, all that the M code has to do is process the strings for each message.

          To interface GT.M to the web, it would be appropriate to either port an HTTP server using GT.M's "socket" or "tcp" I/O streams, or to use a CGI style interface.

          -- Bhaskar


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