
Speed GT.M

  • ell

    ell - 2007-09-26

    speed GT.M

    what are the best settings in ^GDE (or other routine)
    in block size(=1024 or 4096 ?) or allotment, or in any other parameteres

    so GT.M will be most robust ?

    2. what parameteres can be changed in already defined .dat ?
    and what parameters has to be make before defining the .dat ?


    • K.S. Bhaskar

      K.S. Bhaskar - 2007-10-01

      1. GT.M robustness is not affected by the block size.  However, block size affects performance.  Factors to consider:
      a. larger block sizes are more IO efficient; smaller block sizes are more CPU efficient. 
      b. the most IO efficient block sizes are a multiple of the natural block size of the file system.
      Ultimately, you should choose block size based on considerations of performance, record size and maximum database size.

      2. Block size is immutable once a database is created.  Read the mupip and dse documentation: it will tell you what can be changed.  For anything that they don't tell you how to change, assume that it cannot be easily and safely changed.

      -- Bhaskar


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