
Searching Terminal

  • Enzo

    Enzo - 2007-10-20


    I have used for a long time the WRQ Reflection with vt420 emulation,
    but this not have ssh support. I need vt420 or another emulation
    that supports DEC rectangular area functions (DECCRA, DECFRA) or

    I'm still using MSM because I don't find a good free terminal ... :-(

    Thanks in advance,


    • Kevin Toppenberg

      I assume that you have checked out PuTTY (
      It has some VTxxx support, but it doesn't specifically mention VT420.

      I did some Googling and found a commercial option: Z/Scope.  It states that it has SSH and VT420

      It looks like it cost $40-60, which might be cheap enough to switch from MSM to GT.M.

      Hope that helps.

      Kevin T

    • Enzo

      Enzo - 2007-10-20

      Hi Kevin,

      thank you for your response! Unfortunately, neither PuTTY or Z/Scope haven't full
      support for VT420 or VT525 emulation, for example DECCRA does not work!

      Do you work with text based applications? Which software you use?
      How you draw a text window and, after that,
      restore the original screen? For make that, I use the DECCRA (copy rectangular area)
      before draw the text window in another page memory, and to the end, I restore the
      original area with the same command, but copying for to memory.

      Kind regards and thank you again,

      P.S.: sorry for my 'too bad' english!

      • Kevin Toppenberg


        I haven't done much with text windowing.  I mostly use the terminal stuff in a roll-and-scroll mode.

        I have played with drawing text box windows, but the only two approaches that I have known to use were to do complete screen redraws, or to use some code from a VA program named VistA that keep track of hidden text under one's window and selectively redraw a given area of the screen.  I didn't know about the DECCRA function.

        What application are you developing?  I think you have to ask yourself if it is worth developing for a platform (i.e. VT420) which is becoming increasingly difficult to find or work with.

        Hope that helps.

        Kevin T

        P.S.: Your English is fine!

        • Jens Wulf

          Jens Wulf - 2007-10-20

          Until now we are using PowerTerm, where our VT420-Applications run fine, but over a telnet connection.
          We are rewriting our Text-based Applications using M.Net (
          It is a fine tool where the windows-events are passed to M-Routines.
          Unfortunately it's not free but only a single Investment, no monthly costs.



    • Enzo

      Enzo - 2007-10-20


      I'm a bad-MSM-text-based-programmer ;-) for 15 years. These two last years I have
      work with a new application enterely writed in javascript, for a GT-M database, and
      rules fine but I'm worry for the security because the source code of javascript is
      visible (and potentially dangerous!). I don't know which is the most popular (graphic?)
      method that the GT-M programmers use for its applications ...

      I need to 're-convert' my old programming style to the best (and less difficult) method.
      Perhaps PyGTK (Python+GTK)? Java? How it's programmed VistA?

      Thank you for your help!


      • Kevin Toppenberg

        If you are having your PC client call up a server for code execution, then this is called a REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL, or RPC.  Here is how VistA does this.
        - First, a client user has to log in.  This requires a password.  This allows control of WHO accesses the server.
        - Next, the client application has to request a "context".  This is essentially a list of allowed RPC's.  The user's profile is checked to see if this context is allowed.  This allows control of WHAT a user can access on the server.
        - Finally the client application can make an RPC to get whatever data or make whatever modifications are needed on the server database.

        By following these protocols, you don't need to worry if someone views your code.  Because your security measures exist on the server, not based on keeping your client code private.

        To use the VistA RPC system, the client application uses a plug-in RPC BROKER.  This is available as an ACTIVE X and also Java code (I believe).  Much of the PC GIU clients are written in Delphi/pascal, but any language could be used to connect to the RPC broker.

        VistA is a public domain code base.  I think you could probably pull the code out an use if for your own purposes, though there would be a learning curve.

        Hope that helps.


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