
Meaining of $view("GVSTAT".....

  • Lothar Joeckel

    Lothar Joeckel - 2010-01-11

    When calling the $view("GVSTATS,..) function i get the following values.

    GTM>write $view("GVSTATS","DEFAULT")

    What is the meaning of TP;:0, TP::0, TC;:0 TC:00 or more generally, the meaning of the ';' character?

    Kind regards Lothar

  • Jens Wulf

    Jens Wulf - 2010-01-11

    This is from the 5.3-003 Release Notes, hope it helps:

    • SET : # of SET   operations (TP and non-TP)
                        • KIL : # of KILl  operations (kill as well as zwithdraw, TP and non-TP)
                        • GET : # of GET   operations (TP and non-TP)
                        • DTA : # of DaTA  operations (TP and non-TP)
                        • ORD : # of ORDer operations (TP and non-TP)
                        • ZPR : # of ZPRevious (reverse order) operations (TP and non-TP)
                        • QRY : # of QueRY operations (TP and non-TP)
                        • LKS : # of LocK calls (mapped to this db) that Succeeded
                        • LKF : # of LocK calls (mapped to this db) that Failed
                        • CTN : Current Transaction Number of the database for the last committed read-write transaction (TP and non-TP)
                        • DRD : # of Disk ReaDs from the database file by this process (TP and non-TP, committed and rolled-back)
                        • DWT : # of Disk WriTes to the database file by this process (TP and non-TP, committed and rolled-back)
                        • NTW : # of Non-tp committed Transactions that were read-Write on this database
                        • NTR : # of Non-tp committed Transactions that were Read-only on this database
                        • NBW : # of Non-tp committed transaction induced Block Writes on this database
                        • NBR : # of Non-tp committed transaction induced Block Reads on this database
                        • NR0 : # of Non-tp transaction Restarts at try 0
                        • NR1 : # of Non-tp transaction Restarts at try 1
                        • NR2 : # of Non-tp transaction Restarts at try 2
                        • NR3 : # of Non-tp transaction Restarts at try 3
                        • TTW : # of Tp committed Transactions that were read-Write on this database
                        • TTR : # of Tp committed Transactions that were Read-only on this database
                        • TRB : # of Tp read-only or read-write transactions that got Rolled Back (incremental rollbacks are not counted)
                        • TBW : # of Tp transaction induced Block Writes on this database
                        • TBR : # of Tp transaction induced Block Reads on this database
                        • TR0 : # of Tp transaction Restarts at try 0 (counted for all regions participating in restarting tp transaction)
                        • TR1 : # of Tp transaction Restarts at try 1 (counted for all regions participating in restarting tp transaction)
                        • TR2 : # of Tp transaction Restarts at try 2 (counted for all regions participating in restarting tp transaction)
                        • TR3 : # of Tp transaction Restarts at try 3 (counted for all regions participating in restarting tp transaction)
                        • TR4 : # of Tp transaction Restarts at try 4 and above (restart counted for all regions participating in restarting tp transaction)
                        • TC0 : # of Tp transaction Conflicts at try 0 (counted only for that region which caused the tp transaction restart)
                        • TC1 : # of Tp transaction Conflicts at try 1 (counted only for that region which caused the tp transaction restart)
                        • TC2 : # of Tp transaction Conflicts at try 2 (counted only for that region which caused the tp transaction restart)
                        • TC3 : # of Tp transaction Conflicts at try 3 (counted only for that region which caused the tp transaction restart)
                        • TC4 : # of Tp transaction Conflicts at try 4 and above (counted only for that region which caused the tp transaction restart)
    The use of comma-separated pieces allows for future releases of GT.M to provide additional data while facilitating upward compatibility of application code. Since FIS reserves the right to change the order in which statistics are reported in future versions of GT.M, application programs should use the names (mnemonics) when picking pieces from the string instead of relying on field position or ordering.

    $Order(xxx,1) operations get recorded under the ORD category while $Order(xxx,-1) operations get reported under ZPR.

  • Lothar Joeckel

    Lothar Joeckel - 2010-01-11

    Hello Jens,
    thank's for your work. That was the list i've also looked at.
    The question here is the curious ';' and '::' characters i got. (i.e. TP::0,TP;:0)
    May this eventually a bug?


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