
Newbie installation

  • Enzo Toscano

    Enzo Toscano - 2012-04-01

    Hi all,

    I don't understand how make a simple database installation.
    I execute the gtmprofile script in every .profile of each system
    user, but this script creates a ~/.fis-gtm/V5.5/g/gtm.dat database
    files… Is that the usual scenario? If yes, where resides the
    common database for all of the users?

    Perhaps I need to create a gtm server user, with the ~/.fis-gtm
    shared with all users …

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english! :-)

  • K.S. Bhaskar

    K.S. Bhaskar - 2012-04-01

    Enzo, just provide a value to the gtmdir environment variable before sourcing gtmprofile.  That will create / access a default GT.M environment under $gtmdir.  Multiple users can access a common GT.M environment this way.  Remember to also set gtm_chset before sourcing gtmprofile.

    If gtmdir is not set, gtmprofile defaults to ~/.fis-gtm as an out-of-the-box initial environment for a single user.

    - Bhaskar

    P.S. Your English is just fine!  And certainly better than my knowledge of your language!

  • Enzo Toscano

    Enzo Toscano - 2012-04-01

    Thank you very much, Bhaskar, for your help and your effort in
    making this great product!

    Kind regards,

  • Enzo Toscano

    Enzo Toscano - 2012-04-01

    Hi again,

    executing the './configure' script, after compliling the routines,
    I receive a '[: 709: =: unexpected operator', but the script ends
    normally. Is really a problem, or I should ignore this message?


  • K.S. Bhaskar

    K.S. Bhaskar - 2012-04-01

    I am curious as to why you are executing the configure script.  It's used to install GT.M, and is not needed after installation.  Please do look at the chapter in the GT.M Administration and Operations Guide on installing GT.M.

    For all GT.M user documentation, please go to and click on the User Documentation tab.

    - Bhaskar

  • Enzo Toscano

    Enzo Toscano - 2012-04-01

    Hi Bhaskar,

    I have executed the 'configure' script as a root in another computer,
    for make the initial installation. Is a Debian server, with UTF-8 support,
    and the directory of installation is '/usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.5-000_x86_64'

    Thank you again!

  • K.S. Bhaskar

    K.S. Bhaskar - 2012-04-01

    The configure script should not generate any errors such as those you describe - in fact I have personally installed successfully.  I wonder if you have a damaged download.  Here is the cksum of the configure script:

    $ cksum configure
    1106142911 27439 configure

    If your configure has the same cksum, please post the script of your session for installing GT.M

    - Bhaskar

  • Enzo Toscano

    Enzo Toscano - 2012-04-02

    Hi Bhaskar,

    the cksum command gives me the same result as you.
    This is the log file when I launch the configure script:

    GT.M Configuration Script
    Copyright 2009, 2012 Fidelity Information Services, Inc. Use of this
    software is restricted by the provisions of your license agreement.

    What user account should own the files? (bin) enzo
    What group should own the files? (bin) selfer
    Should execution of GT.M be restricted to this group? (y or n) y
    In what directory should GT.M be installed? /usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.5-000_x86_64

    Directory /usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.5-000_x86_64 does not exist. Do you wish to create it as part of
    this installation? (y or n) y

    Installing GT.M….

    Should UTF-8 support be installed? (y or n) y
    Should an ICU version other than the default be used? (y or n) n

    All of the GT.M MUMPS routines are distributed with uppercase names.
    You can create lowercase copies of these routines if you wish, but
    to avoid problems with compatibility in the future, consider keeping
    only the uppercase versions of the files.

    Do you want uppercase and lowercase versions of the MUMPS routines? (y or n)y

    Creating lowercase versions of the MUMPS routines.
    ./CHK2LEV.m -->  ./chk2lev.m
    ./CHKOP.m -->  ./chkop.m
    ./GENDASH.m -->  ./gendash.m
    ./GENOUT.m -->  ./genout.m
    ./GETPASS.m -->  ./getpass.m
    ./GTMHELP.m -->  ./gtmhelp.m
    ./GTMHLPLD.m -->  ./gtmhlpld.m
    ./LOADOP.m -->  ./loadop.m
    ./LOADVX.m -->  ./loadvx.m
    ./MSG.m -->  ./msg.m
    ./PINENTRY.m -->  ./pinentry.m
    ./TTTGEN.m -->  ./tttgen.m
    ./TTTSCAN.m -->  ./tttscan.m
    ./_D.m -->  ./_d.m
    ./_DATE.m -->  ./_date.m
    ./_DH.m -->  ./_dh.m
    ./_DO.m -->  ./_do.m
    ./_EXP.m -->  ./_exp.m
    ./_FL.m -->  ./_fl.m
    ./_FREECNT.m -->  ./_freecnt.m
    ./_G.m -->  ./_g.m
    ./_GBLDEF.m -->  ./_gbldef.m
    ./_GC.m -->  ./_gc.m
    ./_GCE.m -->  ./_gce.m
    ./_GD.m -->  ./_gd.m
    ./_GED.m -->  ./_ged.m
    ./_GI.m -->  ./_gi.m
    ./_GO.m -->  ./_go.m
    ./_GSE.m -->  ./_gse.m
    ./_GSEL.m -->  ./_gsel.m
    ./_H.m -->  ./_h.m
    ./_HD.m -->  ./_hd.m
    ./_HEX2UTF.m -->  ./_hex2utf.m
    ./_HO.m -->  ./_ho.m
    ./_LCASE.m -->  ./_lcase.m
    ./_LCLCOL.m -->  ./_lclcol.m
    ./_OD.m -->  ./_od.m
    ./_OH.m -->  ./_oh.m
    ./_PATCODE.m -->  ./_patcode.m
    ./_RANDSTR.m -->  ./_randstr.m
    ./_RCE.m -->  ./_rce.m
    ./_RD.m -->  ./_rd.m
    ./_RI.m -->  ./_ri.m
    ./_RO.m -->  ./_ro.m
    ./_RSE.m -->  ./_rse.m
    ./_RSEL.m -->  ./_rsel.m
    ./_SQROOT.m -->  ./_sqroot.m
    ./_T.m -->  ./_t.m
    ./_TI.m -->  ./_ti.m
    ./_TO.m -->  ./_to.m
    ./_UCASE.m -->  ./_ucase.m
    ./_UTF2HEX.m -->  ./_utf2hex.m
    ./_XCMD.m -->  ./_xcmd.m
    ./CHK2LEV.m -->  chk2lev.m -> ../chk2lev.m
    ./CHKOP.m -->  chkop.m -> ../chkop.m
    ./GENDASH.m -->  gendash.m -> ../gendash.m
    ./GENOUT.m -->  genout.m -> ../genout.m
    ./GETPASS.m -->  getpass.m -> ../getpass.m
    ./GTMHELP.m -->  gtmhelp.m -> ../gtmhelp.m
    ./GTMHLPLD.m -->  gtmhlpld.m -> ../gtmhlpld.m
    ./LOADOP.m -->  loadop.m -> ../loadop.m
    ./LOADVX.m -->  loadvx.m -> ../loadvx.m
    ./MSG.m -->  msg.m -> ../msg.m
    ./PINENTRY.m -->  pinentry.m -> ../pinentry.m
    ./TTTGEN.m -->  tttgen.m -> ../tttgen.m
    ./TTTSCAN.m -->  tttscan.m -> ../tttscan.m
    ./_D.m -->  _d.m -> ../_d.m
    ./_DATE.m -->  _date.m -> ../_date.m
    ./_DH.m -->  _dh.m -> ../_dh.m
    ./_DO.m -->  _do.m -> ../_do.m
    ./_EXP.m -->  _exp.m -> ../_exp.m
    ./_FL.m -->  _fl.m -> ../_fl.m
    ./_FREECNT.m -->  _freecnt.m -> ../_freecnt.m
    ./_G.m -->  _g.m -> ../_g.m
    ./_GBLDEF.m -->  _gbldef.m -> ../_gbldef.m
    ./_GC.m -->  _gc.m -> ../_gc.m
    ./_GCE.m -->  _gce.m -> ../_gce.m
    ./_GD.m -->  _gd.m -> ../_gd.m
    ./_GED.m -->  _ged.m -> ../_ged.m
    ./_GI.m -->  _gi.m -> ../_gi.m
    ./_GO.m -->  _go.m -> ../_go.m
    ./_GSE.m -->  _gse.m -> ../_gse.m
    ./_GSEL.m -->  _gsel.m -> ../_gsel.m
    ./_H.m -->  _h.m -> ../_h.m
    ./_HD.m -->  _hd.m -> ../_hd.m
    ./_HEX2UTF.m -->  _hex2utf.m -> ../_hex2utf.m
    ./_HO.m -->  _ho.m -> ../_ho.m
    ./_LCASE.m -->  _lcase.m -> ../_lcase.m
    ./_LCLCOL.m -->  _lclcol.m -> ../_lclcol.m
    ./_OD.m -->  _od.m -> ../_od.m
    ./_OH.m -->  _oh.m -> ../_oh.m
    ./_PATCODE.m -->  _patcode.m -> ../_patcode.m
    ./_RANDSTR.m -->  _randstr.m -> ../_randstr.m
    ./_RCE.m -->  _rce.m -> ../_rce.m
    ./_RD.m -->  _rd.m -> ../_rd.m
    ./_RI.m -->  _ri.m -> ../_ri.m
    ./_RO.m -->  _ro.m -> ../_ro.m
    ./_RSE.m -->  _rse.m -> ../_rse.m
    ./_RSEL.m -->  _rsel.m -> ../_rsel.m
    ./_SQROOT.m -->  _sqroot.m -> ../_sqroot.m
    ./_T.m -->  _t.m -> ../_t.m
    ./_TI.m -->  _ti.m -> ../_ti.m
    ./_TO.m -->  _to.m -> ../_to.m
    ./_UCASE.m -->  _ucase.m -> ../_ucase.m
    ./_UTF2HEX.m -->  _utf2hex.m -> ../_utf2hex.m
    ./_XCMD.m -->  _xcmd.m -> ../_xcmd.m

    Compiling all of the MUMPS routines. This may take a moment.

    [: 709: =: unexpected operator

    %GDE-I-GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory

    %GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK

    %GDE-I-GDCREATE, Creating Global Directory file

    %GDE-I-GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory

    %GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK

    %GDE-I-GDCREATE, Creating Global Directory file

    Removing world permissions from gtmsecshr wrapper since group restricted to "selfer"

    Installation completed. Would you like all the temporary files
    removed from this directory? (y or n) n


  • K.S. Bhaskar

    K.S. Bhaskar - 2012-04-03

    Enzo -

    Please post the result of

    cat /etc/issue
    uname -a
    echo $0

    Also, please post the exact command you use to install GT.M (e..g., sudo ./configure).

    - Bhaskar

  • Enzo Toscano

    Enzo Toscano - 2012-04-03

    $cat /etc/issue

    Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 \n \l

    $uname -a

    Linux debian 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Wed Jan 11 12:29:30 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux

    $echo $0


    Kind regards

  • K.S. Bhaskar

    K.S. Bhaskar - 2012-04-04

    It looks to me as if you are trying to install a 64-bit GT.M on a 32-bit (i686) Linux. I am surprised that it gets as far as it does, but not surprised that it doesn't install.  To download and install the right GT.M try the GT.M installer.  Download then make it executable and change to the directory.  sudo ./gtminstall will download and install the latest and correct GT.M for your platform.  ./gtminstall -help will give you a list of options, of which the one you may want is probably "-utf8 default" if you want UTF-8 support.

    - Bhaskar

  • Enzo Toscano

    Enzo Toscano - 2012-04-04

    Ups! You're right … I have downloaded the 64 bit version, sorry :-)

    Thank you Bhaskar, the script works fine, great job!


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