
Fireplay version 0.96 coming out of the oven

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-01

    Hello everybody.

    It seems that the owner has abandoned the project since he does not reply any message in the forum neither any email senti straight to him.

    Today i finished implementing the some fixes and feature that a friend of mine and myseld wanted to see in the player.

    - only selected songs are added to the queue, and not the entire album
    - ability to create and remove playlists using the queue

    I have the code with me


  • Bo Mellberg

    Bo Mellberg - 2010-07-08

    It's not abandoned, just very low prioritized.

    Feel free to use the code in any which way you want, as long as you remove the "by Bo Mellberg" on top.

  • Mickael Manteau

    Mickael Manteau - 2010-08-24

    i'm interesting by the version 0.96

  • Jason Mougeot

    Jason Mougeot - 2011-01-08

    Its awsome but it will be better if it would list the whole server when you select "all" insted to go clic on the actual artist or album. because if the mp3 as not tag on it its in the unknown section and pretty messy.

  • TDmike

    TDmike - 2016-03-13

    Any chance this will work with forked-mt-daap??


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