
Steel Market

Jan Serve
  • Jan Serve

    Jan Serve - 2001-04-25

    I need for a German steel-seller the cureent steel, copper and so on prices(how I found then on the London Metallexchange).
    It is possible to catch this with Finance::Quote? Because he need it every 15mins, but on the London Metallexchance I get it only onces a day...

    • Jan Serve

      Jan Serve - 2001-04-25

      Have phoned with my friend he said that
      steel isn't important, but the price of copper, nickel and so on are important...

      • Paul Fenwick

        Paul Fenwick - 2001-04-26

        Excellent question.  At the moment, I do not believe that there are any F::Q modules that provide good commodity support.  Yahoo provides some quotes through their interface, but these are far from complete.  The ones which are available are detailed at

        Summarising the information there, you can use the following symbols:

        XAU=X - Gold
        XPD=X - Palladium
        XPT=X - Platinum
        XAG=X - Silver

        Unfortunately other metals do not appear to be provided by Yahoo.

        You'd use these symbols as you would any other symbols.  In this case, you'd want to explicity specify the method as ""yahoo".  So, using the example "" script that comes with the Finance::Quote bundle, you could do something like this: yahoo XAU=X

        and find the current price of gold.

        Currently it appears these symbols provide much less information than normal stocks.  As such, you'll notice that gives a few warnings as it assumes certain fields exist when they don't.  This isn't a concern, but is worth keeping in mind if you're writing a program that normally assumes a large set of information.



        • Jan Serve

          Jan Serve - 2001-05-01

          thanks for the responses...
          Now I have found at
          this information their I need(for ex. Copper), is it possible to catch the Data from one of this sites?(for ex. from\)
          Jan Serve...

          • Jan Serve

            Jan Serve - 2001-05-08

            hmm, can someone point me to a url where this is describe how I can get the table of a website? for example the table from the reuter page.(see message above)

            • Paul Fenwick

              Paul Fenwick - 2001-05-09

              In perl, probably the easiest way to extract a table is using Matt Sisk's most excellent HTML::TableExtract module, which is available from or your local CPAN store.

              Lots of the modules in Finance::Quote already use HTML::TableExtract.  Try looking at the VWD or Trustnet modules to get a few examples.  (VWD is currently not particularly happy, so Trustnet might be a better working example at this point in time.)



          • Paul Fenwick

            Paul Fenwick - 2001-05-09

            Yes, it's certainly possible. Some of the F::Q modules parse some mighty complex pages out there, the URLs you've given are much easier in comparison.  Right now I'm afraid I have a rather long list of outstanding tasks and submissions to go through, but if you want to take a shot at coding a module then I'd be happy to include it in the standard distro.

            • Jan Serve

              Jan Serve - 2001-05-16

              Sorry for the late response, but have much work at the moment.
              This and the next month I haven't enough time to spend it for coding, but when I finished my current tasks I would see what I can do, because then I can code then this module in my normal worktime.


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