
File Manage 0.9.2 Released

Bobb's File List and Management System is an easy-to-use PHP-based system that can list and display files on a server as well as make some types available for web-based editing.

It includes a built-in security system with support for multiple users and a full permissions scheme.

This release is primarily a bug fix that includes several improvements to existing features.

Full and complete documentation is included.

You can download the latest release from

Release Notes:
New features:

-Console now supports wildcards. It allows four types: x*, *y, x*y, and *x*. (Bug: 1208636 and 1209326)

-Added the function "file" to the console. This function displays file paths. It also doubles as "ls" for Linux if you use "file *".

-File Manage now creates index files for the filelist/ directory: index.php/html /htm and default.htm. So now the server shouldn't display lists of files (depending on the server, this could have been a slight security risk). (Bug: 1208609)

-Added console function "save". This feature allows an admin to save the existing log in the console to any file within the system. (Bug: 1208639)

Bug Fixes/Optimizations:

-Changed all console notifications from HTML notifications to displaying in the Console.

-Removed notification of "ls" being an invalid command when a incorrect path is entered.

-Optimizations on get_name() and get_ftype(). These functions were identical to built-in PHP functions/variables, so now it just accesses that information instead of collecting its own -- faster and less code. (Bug: 1205899)

-Now the temporary files created are kept track of in a database. Currently this is of minimal benefit, but in the future it will be utilized more. (Bug: 1208594)

-Now passwords are never passed back to the browser. This posed a very small security risk, but any security issues that can be prevented is being prevented. (Bug: 1207981)

-Many other minor fixes, minimal functionality change, some optimizations.

Known Bugs:

These bugs are known to exist in this version and are under development.

Any other bugs found should be reported to

- Bug 1187457 - "Updated/New" status can occasionally be wrong on directories under certain (and somewhat obscure) circumstances
See for more information


Posted by Brad Hart 2013-04-25

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