
#118 English language not working


I'm french,
Because translations in french are not very well, I prefer to switch the GUI to english.
But only Settings are translated in english. The main interface stay in french.

1 Attachments


  • Abel

    Abel - 2024-07-26

    Hi, I found no problem with english language switching from french.
    May be reinsalling application would be enough.

  • 7heS4ge

    7heS4ge - 2024-07-26

    But are you french or american ? Because I thing the problem depend of the default Windows language.
    I will reinstall it for check.

  • 7heS4ge

    7heS4ge - 2024-07-26

    I try the switching : I switch to Spanish and to English : it works (menu, settings and GUI in english).
    But when I close and relaunch the application : I have the same problem : menu is in english, settings are in english, but GUI (main interface) is in french.

  • Abel

    Abel - 2024-07-26

    Now I understand, it was a bug settings language in a french Windows.
    Please try this patched version replacing existing files.
    Thanks for the report, translation was mainly done automatically.

  • 7heS4ge

    7heS4ge - 2024-07-26

    Yes, now it's works. Thank you for your correction !
    There is a bad translation here :
    "After encoding" is translated in french by "Lors du codage". The translation must be "Après l'encodage".

  • Abel

    Abel - 2024-09-09
    • status: open --> closed

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