
#105 Still can't convert to MP4

Zach Wagner

I created a ticket about this last October, got no real help and it got closed.

I've updated the app several times, but none of the updates have fixed my problem.

I really want to be able to use this program again. But If I can't get any real help I may have to uninstall. I use custom parameters for converting to MP4.


  • Abel

    Abel - 2024-01-15

    We asked you to provide the log file but got no reply.

    Did you try removing the -c copy part in parameters?

  • Zach Wagner

    Zach Wagner - 2024-01-16

    I did remove -c copy and still gives me an error.

    Where do I find the log file?

  • Zach Wagner

    Zach Wagner - 2024-01-16

    Try looking at this and see what I am doing wrong.

    My parameters are this:

    -c:copy b✌️400K -b🅰️128K -c✌️libx264 -c🅰️aac

  • Abel

    Abel - 2024-01-16

    Hi, you need to use blank spaces between some parameters, please copy and and paste:
    -c:v libx264 -b:v 400K -c:a aac -b:a 128K

    You can use the default presets as a starting point to see the parameters structure.


    Last edit: Abel 2024-01-16
  • Zach Wagner

    Zach Wagner - 2024-01-17

    It worked, thank you


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