
re-indexing demo objects of fedora into fez

  • Juerg

    Juerg - 2006-04-07

    is there anybody which sucessfully re-indexed the demo objects from fedora into fez?
    The objects seem to be ingested into fedora all right.
    But if I try to re-index them, first of all not all of them show up as indexable and the ones that show up resist the indexing attempt.
    In the server log of fedora I find warnings in the sense that fezMD could not be accessed/made.
    Any suggestions as how to proceed are highly welcome.

    • Qing

      Qing - 2006-05-29

      Dear Christiaan,

      It works now. Don't worry. It is my own problem. Thanks.


    • Qing

      Qing - 2006-05-29

      Hi Christiaan,

      I could create community, collection and record. But I could not reindex the objects from fedora into fez either (fedora objects have been injested). I have set up the ResourceIndex as follows:
      <param name="level" value="1"/>
      <param name="datastore" value="localKowariTriplestore"/>
      <param name="alias:test" value=""/>

      But the error message still shows me:
      The ITQL query failed. This is probably due to the Fez Fedora Kowari Resource Index being switched off in the fedora.fcfg config file.
      To use the Fez Fedora maintenance reindexer tools the Kowari resource index needs to be turned on. To do this edit fedora.fcfg and change the value of resourceIndex from 0 to 1 then stop fedora. Then run fedora-rebuild and choose option 1. After the Kowari resource index has been rebuilt start fedora. See more about the Kowari resource index config settings at

      Could you please help?


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