CAPS - The Classic Amiga Preservation Society ( has developed a way to dump any amiga disk, no matter what copy protection it may contain. Unfortuately, this requires yet another disk image format, but this is inevitable since it has to store a lot more information than just the normal disk data. Stuff like:

Sync values
Timing (very important in disk protections such as CopyLock)

Obviously this cannot be an ADF because it always assumed one sync value, no gaps, etc.

Anyway, I was wondering, would you be interested in supporting the format? It is not quite finalised yet, but we would quite like to have emulator support in place before we release any game images.

Games with copy protection will usually require very accurate disk drive emulation, we can supply you this as we supplied it to Toni Willen of the UAE team (or you can just grab it from the latest UAE disk sources I suppose).

Please contact the emails on the site for more details. Let's get the Amiga preserved properly!

Kieron Wilkinson