
Feedreader 3.0 development

  • Toomas Toots

    Toomas Toots - 2006-02-16


    Here has been a lot of quietness about Feedreader development. I'm happy to tell that we are still working with Feedreader. Now there's time to present work of 4 last months.

    We are currently heading to Feedreader 3.0 beta release. Till this time every curious user can check out Feedreader 3.0 Preview Release.

    Preview Release means that all things are not yet working but most of functionality is already there. PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT IF YOU ARE NOT EXPERIENCED COMPUTER USER OR DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

    If you are interested in checking out FR 3.0 then visit :

    Toomas Toots

    • Christophe Deltheil

      Hi and thank you for your work.
      Just a simple question: Where can we find source code to compile ?

    • Toomas Toots

      Toomas Toots - 2006-03-11


      Unfortunatelly Feedreader 3.0 source is not available. That's because Feedreader version 3.0 is not opensource any more. It will still be free but not opensource.

      To answer before questions come - we have written version 3.0 from scratch and there are no source code ties with previous versions.

      Toomas Toots

    • BDElias

      BDElias - 2006-04-13

      Hi.  Thanks for the update - The proxy settings are just what us corporate guys need. 

      Will we have the ability to create custom installs using Inno Setup?  That helps with proxy settings and default feeds.


      • Tom

        Tom - 2006-04-13

        What about translations for the upcoming feedreader 3.0, will it be based on the old translation files or is there a new translation scheme?

    • BDElias

      BDElias - 2006-04-21

      One possible update would be to display the categories as one of the sortable columns in the Title list panel.

      Also, if you are in a feed and it gets updated, you need to navigate away from the feed and back to see the updates.

      I'm ready to send it out to a bunch of users - great tool!


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