
#277 Lost all my feeds


I can import feedreader.opml.
I can see the feedreader icon turning
but the window is empty. It stays empty!

It was working fine, and now, it doesn't work any more.
I don't see what to do. I tried to reinstall feedreader. I
tried to erase all keys in the registry concerning
feedereader. Always the same issue.

Is there anibody to help me?

denis somewhere in france


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    There is a directory c:\documents and
    settings\USERNAME\application data\Feedreader.

    You could check it out and maybe remove some files.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    my feed got erased too.

    during startup some short error msgbox popped up(don't remember what it said...) and no feed anywhere.

    I checked feedreader directory. somehow subscriptions.xml is cleared. headlines.xml is intact though...

    haven't done any registry modification. using winXP sp2.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Lost all my feeds too...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have the same symptom. I still get pop-ups when feed
    reader updates and I can click on them and read the article.
    When I go to view all the feeds however I can't get anthing up.
    I also tried un/reinstall with no help.

  • David Wahlund

    David Wahlund - 2005-09-23

    Logged In: YES

    I've had the same problem. Feedreader somehow clears all my
    feeds with an error. This happened to me about three four
    times. Really annoying to start adding feeds from scratch. I
    really like Feedreader but this bug finally made me switch
    to FeedDemon.

  • Björn Voigt

    Björn Voigt - 2005-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    I had the same problem after a random crash of Feedreader
    (memory exception). The feed list is empty now. Also the
    predefined feeds are lost.

    All files in

    c:\documents and settings\USERNAME\application data\Feedreader

    are empty now. They are probably correct XML-files, but the
    feeds are lost. An example: subscriptions.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    I suggest any kind of automatic backup. For instance
    Feedreader can create new files with a special ending, e.g. If everything was fine (no
    exceptions, errors etc.) Feedreader can rename the new
    files, e.g. to subscriptions.xml.


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