
#720 Labels missing from debug view


I just built the current trunk, and labels/comments from .nl files do not appear in the debugger. Addresses are correctly replaced with symbols in the disassembly, but there are no labels or comments. I can create labels manually, and they will be saved in the file, but they will disappear if the file is reloaded through the file reload button.


  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2016-02-01

    no such problem here. Are you trying to make a 64bit build? Maybe there's something unusual about the mapper you're using. Can you test an old release and make sure it works? I don't see anything in the past few commits that could have caused anything like this, but it's been a lot of commits since the last release.

  •  RussellSprouts

    RussellSprouts - 2016-02-02

    I am running on a 64 bit machine, but I'm targeting a 32 bit system. I just checked, and it doesn't seem to work for me on the official 2.2.2 build either. I've tried it in Windows 10 and in Wine on Ubuntu, and none of them work. Compatibility mode for Windows 8 or XP doesn't help either.

    Edit: I'm using mapper 4, which I would think would be well supported.


    Last edit: RussellSprouts 2016-02-02
  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2016-02-02

    Has it EVER worked for you on any version of fceux ever? Can you try building debug symbols from scratch for a new game? Maybe there's something bogus in your debug symbol files and its all getting chimped when its loaded.

  •  RussellSprouts

    RussellSprouts - 2016-02-02

    I did some more testing. It works for me on other roms, but not with the rom I was testing. It's a homebrew that I'm working on. I'm using the MMC3 with 512KB of PRG, 256KB of CHR. I have it set so that $C000 is swappable and the penultimate bank is fixed at $8000 (bit 6 of the bank select register is set).
    I ran the build line-by-line in Visual Studio, and I noticed that findNode in debuggersp.cpp was sometimes returning the wrong page. This is why the lines don't appear -- it gets null from findNode even though the correct data was in a different place in the pageNames array. This also manifested in other ways. If I have a file and a file, and I create a new name in the 1F segment, it might add the new name to the segment 0 linked list, and save it in, overriding the contents of with the contents of


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