
FB01 Sound Editor / News: Recent posts

News from the developer

Dear musicians, FM enthusiasts and anyone using an FB01 with this editor, I would like to drop you just a quick note about the advancement of the development. To answer questions I received frequently : no, the project is not dead and yes there is a number of features that need to be improved. I have announced a future MAC version and, as I said before, it will come when I find someone who can lend me a MAC for 2 or 3 days. I have been busy since last June with another "hardware orientated" project that will probably be released at the end of this year, so stay tuned and thanks to the users and thanks to the donors who have rewarded my work.

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2011-05-12

MIDI corrected version uploaded

I finally decided to upload the MIDI corrected version for Windows, but please keep in mind that this version was not extensively checked for bugs, but normally should not contain new ones.

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-09-06

MIDI controller bug fixed

The flaw appeared in the Windows version 2.1 is now fixed, it was due to code cleaning for the Linux portage and hopefully do not affect the Linux version. There will be soon an other release for Windows but before putting it online I want to be sure that there is no other bug left.

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-08-26

Installation procedure for Linux

After somebody told me that the make command did not work to build the project, I noticed I provided a wrong auto-generated makefile that was for ... windows !!! Now, the latest source package comes with a good and working makefile and with an install function. Just type 'make all' and then 'sudo make install' in your terminal session and you will be able to launch FB01 SE from the Gnome or KDE panel.

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-08-22

The linux version

Hello everybody,
While I was making the Linux version, I fixed some small not very annoying bugs and scaled up a little bit the interface so it stay clear
over gnome and the manual bank section was also completed.
So do not expect new amazing features for this release. Just a Linux
working version you have to build with make. Bye, bye. Fred

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-07-20

Sourceforge donation feature

While the first downloads of the editor version 2.0 are received by users from all around the world, I would like to inform you about the donation feature. Developing this editor takes a lot of time even if you think this is a small application. At this point, if you do not believe me, take a look at the editor sources in the SVN repository (28 C++ classes). So if you appreciate this project, use the program frequently and you would like to contribute, please donate. Do not worry, this project will stay free software and open source.
Thank you in advance,
Frédéric Meslin

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-07-16

The version 2.0

Good evening, here is the new version of the FB01 SE. I worked a lot to remove some stupid last time bugs and I really hope that my mailbox will not be full of complaints tomorrow. Have a nice day or night. Frédéric

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-07-15

Coming soon, the version 2.0

Hello everybody,

As there are no secrets here and principally because I can't wait anymore, I have to tell you that the new version 2.0 of FB01 Sound Editor will be available in few days !

The program has been entirely recoded to support the awaited automation section, and yes, in this version, you will be able to control
about any FM parameter of the FB01 with your MIDI compatible controllers sending CC and notes. ... read more

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-07-13

Starting work for the 2.0 version

Hello to everyone,

Stay tuned, I am currently rebuilding the core of the editor
in order to facilitate the portage to Linux and maybe to Mac OS.

Few people asked me new interresting features by email and
be sure, most of them will be implemented soon.

At last, I am going to complete the manual and to translate it
in english.

Try to keep an eye on this project,
thank you a lot for your feedback,


Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-05-17

The version 1.0


Here is the new version 1.0 stable release for Windows.
The editor is fully functional with the bank manager
operational and the exchange functionality.

I am always looking for a MAC guy to port the application
and manual is still incomplete but, for the French users,
there is a small PDF shipped with the editor with a basic
FM synthesis explanation.

Try to give me your feedbacks,
Have nice day... read more

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2010-02-07

Linux and user manual


Firstly, I want to greet all the people who added this page to their links, it helps a lot to promote this project and I am very happy about it. Thanks also goes to Softpedia, which gave me an award !

Secondly, I am currently working on the Linux version and on the user manual, I would like to be helped for the Mac version because I do not own a Mac, so if you want to participate in the project, you are welcome.... read more

Posted by Meslin Frederic 2009-12-10

The beta release !

Hello everybody,

I have been working hard to provide you this beta,
fixing a lot of bugs from the alpha version that you
should throw away immediately.

Normally there are not much bugs still around
so use it freely to create your patches.

Please give me your feedbacks on the tracker,
it would be very nice.


Posted by Meslin Frederic 2009-12-06