

  • Richard Johnson

    Richard Johnson - 2001-06-28

    Hi all

    It's been a while, but I now have some free time to work on Fate again. (The usual work-went away reasons.)  So I'm working on the packages for resource and trade today.

    One of the attributes a resource uses (or might use) is "location".  I don't see anything quite like that in the 0.1.3 docs.  That is, a player/character's location is not tied to anything right now.  A "Ship" might have a location.  Worlds and Galaxies certainly do have location--although it's not an internally-used location but rather a spot on the screen.  Not exactly what I'm after.

    So, do we have a "location" class?  Have we already identified this and I spaced it in the last three months?  

    • Albion Zeglin

      Albion Zeglin - 2001-06-28

      There is an entire Spacel->Location hierarchy in the set of code I proposed.

      I was waiting for our project leader to review it and incorporate it.  I haven't heard
      from him recently.

      In it there is an abstract class Location.

      Ships both have a Location and are a Location (storage bays).

      How do you intend the location of a resource to be used?  Should it know where it is, or should it just be tracked by it's Container object?


    • Richard Johnson

      Richard Johnson - 2001-06-28

      Hi Albion

      You raise some interesting points that seem to indicate I'm still not quite thinking clearly on this.  The Location of a Resource is so that the player/character can go get it, or trade it, or use it.  The idea originally was that if the Resource is at (1,1,1) and you want to trade it at (5,6,7), then you need to move it there.  Put it on a ship, etc.

      As you pointed out earlier though (I just re-read it), this is all relative.  Location might be "in the hold" or "at the exchange on Planet X", or "unknown" (i.e. taken by pirates and it disappeared.)

      Nobody said all the problems had to have easy solutions. :=)  Please create an initial Interface or class and send it to me (or at least sent me an API) so I can use it more-or-less properly to gen up and test some sample resources.


      • Albion Zeglin

        Albion Zeglin - 2001-06-29

        I will try to work with Preylude to get my proposed code up here for review.

        If that doesn't work I'll email it to anyone who requests it from me at:


    • Albion Zeglin

      Albion Zeglin - 2001-06-29

      I've put up my proposed Classes here:

      These are not integrated into the current Fate source tree yet.
      They are for review and comment only at this point.


      • Albion Zeglin

        Albion Zeglin - 2001-07-03

        Proposed Code is now in CVS here at SourceForge.

    • Albion Zeglin

      Albion Zeglin - 2001-07-03

      What is the Player's location?  And what does it matter?

      I think that if a player's location is captured/destroyed then that player's game is over.

      Also if we implement communication and command distribution speed (Speed of Light?) then it will affect how quickly a player can respond, or even know the state of the universe.  BTW this should also affect "Chat" between players.

      The default will be the player's homeworld.   Or if the player is an itinerant trader then the tradeship.

    • Richard Johnson

      Richard Johnson - 2001-07-04

      I **REALLY** like the idea of limiting the speed of communication to either speed of light, or speed of the fastest ship the player owns, or something like that.  (If we have FTL travel, then I should be able to set up a "pony express" run.)


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