
#3 Free Pascal OS X & Linux 32/64-bit support

Unstable (example)

This is a patch against Subversion revision 68 that adds support for Free Pascal's OS X and Linux targets, both i386 and x86-64. We don't use Free Pascal on Windows, so it hasn't been tested there.

1 Attachments


  • Pierre le Riche

    Pierre le Riche - 2015-10-13

    Thank you, that's awesome! I'll commit it to the repository shortly.

  • Arnaud Bouchez

    Arnaud Bouchez - 2015-10-15

    The patch is great, but has some problems.
    Especially it broke Kylix compatibility.
    A fixed version is attached.

  • Pierre le Riche

    Pierre le Riche - 2015-10-15

    Thanks Arnaud, much appreciated!

  • Arnaud Bouchez

    Arnaud Bouchez - 2015-10-15

    Please note that, from my preliminary testing, the patch for FPC does not work under Windows.
    I'll try to fix it.
    I need FastMM4 even under Windows for FPC, since the default memory manager of FPC burns a lot of memory, and easily trigger EThread exceptions, when creating a lot of threads: sounds like if the per-thread FPC heap manager reserves a lot of virtual memory, so the program is very soon out of virtual address space...
    FastMM4 does not suffer from these issues, and is much faster with a x86 CPU.


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