
Win32 version

  • Tom Copeland

    Tom Copeland - 2000-01-07

    Hi -

    This looks like a great utility - I'd like to use it.  I'm using NT, though.  Are there any plans to do a Win32 version?

    I looked at the code - looks like I need zlib.h to compile.  Where did you get that?

    I'll look around and try to answer my own questions, too :-)


    Tom Copeland

    • Tom Copeland

      Tom Copeland - 2000-01-07

      Never mind, I found zlib.h... I'll start working on this...


    • Bryan Burns

      Bryan Burns - 2000-01-08

      Someone tried to get it working on WinNT a couple of weeks ago, and actually got it to compile, but it only barely worked.  There appeared to be some problems w/ NT's lseek implimentation.  Perhaps we should rip out all the POSIX calls and use the Win API...

    • Bryan Burns

      Bryan Burns - 2000-01-08

      OK, I made you a developer, and even assigned a project to you (win32 port obviously)..

      • Tom Copeland

        Tom Copeland - 2000-01-09


        At work I have NT 4 (SP 4) and Win2K (RC 2, I think) and Linux.  At home I have Win98 & Linux. 

        Let's see... couple of things to do here for my home computer - install BC++ 5 on the Win32 partition and get an external modem working for the Linux partition.


        • Tom Copeland

          Tom Copeland - 2000-01-09

          OK, external modem works on Linux now (or I couldn't be posting this!).   Saw fastjar run for the first time, actually - build process was routine - which is nice.

          Now, on to actual work!


          • Bryan Burns

            Bryan Burns - 2000-01-16

            Good deal!  How's it going?  Sorry for the delay in responding, but I just moved from Portland, OR to Palo Alto, CA, and just got a new ISP.  I start my new job on monday, exciting stuff! =)

      • Jean-Philippe Gariepy

        How are things going?  I've tried to install it on an NT box and I came to the same conclusion (regarding lseek).  Is there a reason not to use fseek(3) instead?

        • Bryan Burns

          Bryan Burns - 2000-04-14

          Yeah, I wasn't thinking of portability when I wrote fastjar, so used the UNIX system calls to do all the I/O instead of the C library.  Silly me.  Everything is open, close, read, write instead of fopen, fclose etc..


          I'm workin' the startup life these days, so I have no time to do it myself.. fastjar needs a new maintainer.. 


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