
Server Log Example

Al G
  • Al G

    Al G - 2010-11-24

    1>c:\stlsoft\fastformat-0.6.3\examples\example.overload.3.server_log\example.overload.3.server_log.cpp(197) : error C2664: 'fastformat::fastformat_util_snprintf' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char ' to 'fastformat::ff_char_t *'
    1>        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
    Any ideas?

  • Matt Wilson

    Matt Wilson - 2010-11-25

    This sounds like trying to compile code with explicitly multibyte strings - e.g. "abc" - in a wide string build.

    How are you compiling this file? From the command-line via the makefile (e.g. in build/vc8)? Or from the IDE? Are you using a project file that ships with FastFormat, or have you created one of your own?

    The makefiles are tested - in the sense that they're use to build and run tests (e.g. "nmake build test") - with every release. The project files don't (yet) receive that degree of attention, and it's possible that they're not fully up to date.

    I look forward to hearing your reply


  • Matt Wilson

    Matt Wilson - 2010-11-25

    I've just done "nmake build.examples" (which builds all the targets that use the example program you mention) with VC++ 9, and all compiled without issue. Will try with VC++ 8 tonight/tomorrow.



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