
EZcompile / News: Recent posts


Code cleanup now in CVS. Back end seperation almost done. Once done, would someone test the code?

Posted by Pikhq 2004-09-17

0.1 claims to be CVS

EZcompile 0.1 claims to be EZcompile CVS. Don't worry, you have the right release.

Posted by Pikhq 2004-08-17


Hooray! EZcompile 0.1 is now officially released! And it's only 4 days late, too!

Posted by Pikhq 2004-08-09


The EZcompile roadmap has been submitted, and is available at . It covers the 0.1 - 0.5 releases.

Posted by Pikhq 2004-07-28

CVS import

Today, the project got it's first CVS import. You may now use anonymous CVS access to download a CVS version of EZcompile.

Posted by Pikhq 2004-07-26

Project Started!

Today, I finally got the project accepted into Sourceforge. Yay!
Now switching project files into the Sourceforge system....

Posted by Pikhq 2004-07-22