
#88 MT-32 Emu update


This MT-32 update is from ScummVM code with some changes by ykhwong.
This is based on testbuild_(v5).zip at the DOSBox forum.
This patch compiles and doesn't crash, but I don't have a ROM for further testing.
Read MT-32_patch_notes.txt for more details.


  • Malignant Manor

    Malignant Manor - 2010-12-31
  • Dominik Reichardt

    Thanks, I'll give it a try in 2011!

  • Dominik Reichardt

    Hmm, had some time to test it. Seems that patch makes the emu sound a bit different to the original, at least in comparison to our digital audio files. I will have to compare with the real Mt32 but for that I really have no time. The menu music of SI has less "wham" with this patch... Probably would need to be compared directly to the ScummVM code, since we share much of our audio code to begin with.

  • Dominik Reichardt

    • summary: MT-32 update --> MT-32 Emu update
  • Malignant Manor

    Malignant Manor - 2011-01-02

    I need to test and separate some of this. Some of the removed includes were needed. I moved some that might not be needed to another patch tracker.

  • Dominik Reichardt

    Munt development picked up again by someone on Vogons. Yhkwong made a newer patch for dosbox based on that and the birds sound better with this. not there yet but better. page 3 near the bottom has the yhkwong patch I tried with dosbox.

  • Dominik Reichardt

    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: -->
  • Dominik Reichardt

    I'm closing this now. It would make more sense to be either up to date with Munt or use/link the mt32emulib (which is the better solution IMO) - see