
Huge tym taken fr adding a word into wordnet

  • shikha

    shikha - 2013-02-13

    While editing wordnet, extjwnl takes roughly 3 mins and if the gloss is also added it takes 7 to 8 mins.
    I am using this command:(assuming "sender_id" is the word to be added with a description i.e. gloss "the telephone Number of the sender")
    ewn id%1:09:00:: -add -addword sender_id -setgloss "The telephone number of teh sender"
    So, i there any other effective way which takes less time??

  • shikha

    shikha - 2013-02-13

    Moreover, i wanted to update the dictionary with lot more new words(bulk editing) and using the script file as mentioned in extjwnl wiki, it doesn't work. May be there is some mistake in writing the script file. Plz elaborate the steps for the same if possible or anything that could solve the purpose.

  • Aliaksandr Autayeu

    If you look at what takes time it's the recalculation of indexes. Faster way (for more than 2 operations) is to use script.

  • Aliaksandr Autayeu

    If you have troubles with script - provide more details, I might be able to help.

  • Aliaksandr Autayeu

    P.S. if you know any faster way to edit WordNet - let me know, or provide a patch.

  • shikha

    shikha - 2013-02-14

    i tried using this script for the addition of words into existing synsets and adding some new synset:

    phone_number%1:10:00:: -addword telephone_number
    schedule%1:06:00:: -addword schedule_time
    uname%1:08:00:: -add -addword target_username -setgloss "The username of the account of the recipient of message"
    upwd%1:09:00:: -add -addword target_password -setgloass "The password of the account of the recipient of message"

    but the problem is, after the successful execution of this script file(for this i am using "ewn -script" command) only the topmost command is getting executed. Could you help as why its happening so?Is there a problem in the script or the command i am using for its execution?

  • Aliaksandr Autayeu

    I tried it and got this output on the second line:

    SEVERE: Missing current word for -addword. Perhaps, word not found in synset, or synset not found.

    It looks like there is no schedule%1:06:00::  . I've look in WordNet 3.0 and there are the following ones there:
    schedule%1:09:00:: 05910940 1 11
    schedule%1:10:00:: 06495328 2 6
    schedule%2:31:00:: 00678282 1 21
    schedule%2:32:00:: 00794981 2 6

    Take a look, if whether you want to edit existing one (and replace the sensekey), or you want to create a new synset and there is a -add missing.

  • shikha

    shikha - 2013-02-15

    I already had added that sensekey in my wordnet3.0 dict. and was not getting such error but the word schedule_time was not added along with the other words target_username and target_password.
    I got the following output on executing ewn schedule -k -l - over

    Overview of noun schedule

    The noun schedule has 3 senses
    1. (11) agenda , docket , schedule [schedule
    2. (6) schedule
    3. sched , schedule

    Overview of verb schedule

    The verb schedule has 2 senses
    1. (21) schedule
    2. (6) schedule

    What could be the possible bug??

  • Aliaksandr Autayeu

    Well, sure, it may be a bug. Please, take a look here on how to report bugs:
    and report it. Better in Trac, but fine here too. Important is that you describe it properly so that I can understand

    what's going wrong,
    what is not as you expected it,
    which steps led you to it and
    how to reproduce it.

    In the current description there are no steps to reproduce and I don't clearly understand what's going wrong.

  • shikha

    shikha - 2013-02-18

    I have generated a ticket regarding this bug. Hope that will give u better understanding of this bug.
    Moreover, i simply want to do bulk editing of the wordnet dict which i am not able to. So, guide me regarding this.

  • Aliaksandr Autayeu

    Thank you! I've tried to reproduce and got basically the same as previously

    INFO: Searching schedule%1:06:00::…
    18-Feb-2013 09:16:08 net.sf.extjwnl.cli.ewn main
    SEVERE: Missing current word for -addword. Perhaps, word not found in synset, or synset not found.

    More than one line of the script gets executed. And the error is in the script itself.

    Now, please, can you help me help you? Can you read the link from my previous message and update the bug according to what's written there?


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